Published By: Ishita Vohra

Dandruff or Dry Scalp: Know the Difference

Both dandruff and dry scalp are extremely irritating to skin conditions. Despite the fact that they are frequently grouped together, their causes and treatments are distinct.

Most of us immediately think of dandruff when we feel the sudden urge to scratch our scalp and notice that flakes are falling from our shoulders. However, it could also be dry hair. People frequently confuse dandruff with dry scalp because these two terms are used interchangeably and share similar symptoms like white flakes and itchy scalp.

Despite sharing similar symptoms, dandruff, and dry scalp are distinct conditions. A dry scalp happens when the skin on your head is dry and can't deliver or hold an adequate number of normal oils to keep your scalp saturated which results in flakes of dry skin falling off. On the other hand, dandruff is associated with scalp conditions that are out of balance, leading to excessive production of skin cells.

What Is Dandruff?

In the case of dandruff, these clusters of dead skin cells begin to form on the skin's surface. These large, white flakes that have built up on your scalp eventually fall off and settle along the length of your hair. White flakes will fall from your shoulders if you gently shake your hair.

What Is Dry Scalp?

The skin's inability to produce or retain moisture is what makes it dry. The natural oils and sebum that are produced by this type of skin are insufficient to maintain a moist scalp. In turn, this causes the skin's top layer to dry out, crack, and eventually shed as fine flakes.

Dry Scalp And Dandruff Are Caused By What?

A mild form of seborrheic dermatitis known as dandruff is characterized by red, oily, and flaky skin. It's more than just a dry skin buildup. It is brought on by a fungus that lives on the surface of the scalp and breaks down the sebum, or natural oils, producing oleic acid as a byproduct. As a rule, it is innocuous, yet to a scalp that experiences a skin condition, this side-effect can unleash destruction, which is known as dandruff.

A dry scalp is typically brought on by hormonal issues or as a side effect of medications. A dry scalp makes you feel extremely uneasy and tight like your skin is stretching. The outcome? Frizzy and dull hair as well. The fact that a dry scalp feels like dry skin and causes flaking is what separates it from dandruff, which can occur in hair that looks oily but is still flaky.

How Can Dandruff And Dry Scalp Be Treated?

Dandruff can be effectively controlled with some shampoos. These anti-dandruff shampoos and conditioners are made to treat the underlying cause of dandruff, and the results are immediately apparent after the first use.

Since the majority of the dryness that causes the skin to flake and fall off is dryness, the dry scalp requires nourishment and hydration. To prevent dryness, you need something that will nourish and gently cleanse your hair and scalp.