Published By: Sanjukta

Dead by Daylight: Survivor perks that counter tunneling

Why the tunnel vision bro?

Dead by Daylight community often argues about many things. Is the game too survivor sided? Are there too many bugs that plague the game? Is being toxic a necessity to have fun? Is camping a legit technique? Out of the many gameplays and general behaviors, one can agree that tunnelling is not only wrong but also adds nothing to skill of the killer.

So, what is tunnelling?

Tunneling is a gamer term for “tunnel vision”. Killers often single out one survivor and continues to pursue them until they have been hooked twice and then forced out of the game. Surprisingly, BHVR has considered tunnelling and camping as legit killer gameplays.

Let’s explain this better. Supposedly you enter a match. The killer is The Spirit. The Spirit finds you, chases you, downs you and hooks you. After your teammates unhook you, they intentionally avoids chasing other survivors and chooses to chase you. Now, you are already hurt after the unhook which means you are one hit away from being on the floor again. Instead of letting you have a breather, you have to continue the chase, use the resources on the map and try to stay alive. A tunneling killer will see you and only you and refuse to go after anyone else. They will not rest until you are sacrificed to the Entity.

Yes, that sounds terrible.

You can run these perks to avoid getting tunneled.

Decisive Strike

There’s a reason Decisive Strike is popular among survivors. Survivors love it, killers hate it. DS is anti-tunnel perk. Basically, after getting unhooked, DS activated for 60 seconds. If you get picked up before the DS timer runs out, you get a small skill check. Successfully hitting the skill check will stun the killer and you can escape from its grasp. Survivors run into lockers but good killers know how long to wait it out. So don’t make it too obvious.


A perk that lets you get pick yourself up from dying state once per game. Unbreakable is a great perk, especially if the killer things you have DS and slugs you on the ground. This perk also allows faster recovery.

Iron Will

Not as efficient as the previous perks but Iron Will makes you completely quiet when hurt. The killer doesn’t get any clues by the sounds of grunts and pain which can help you make a quick getaway.

Soul Guard

If you get slugged and your teammates recovers you, you gain an endurance for 8 seconds after being heled off the ground. Any hit taken during this time will not put you in Deep Wound state and not dying state.