Published By: Ishani Karmakar

Do You Breathe Through Your Mouth? Close Your Lips And Read This Article!

Breathing is the very essence of life, yet the majority of people don't even think about the way we breathe. Yes, there is a correct way to breathe!

There are two passages of air that connect to your lungs – the mouth and the nose. Nasal breathing is considered to be normal; however, some do breathe with their mouths, particularly at night or while asleep. Do you also breathe through your mouth while you doze?

Mouth breathing is essentially the process wherein you open your mouth in order to breathe in and exhale. When we breathe in and exhale air via the nose, it's known as nasal breathing. The majority of people who breathe through their mouths do so because the nasal passageway gets blocked.

What if we told you that mouth breathing could be detrimental? Yes, it could be!

Our neuronal system of autonomic control comprises two major branches: parasympathetic and sympathetic. It is the one responsible for the "fight or flight" reaction, and the parasympathetic branch is responsible for the ‘rest and digest, and befriend'. The sympathetic branch is responsible for getting you excited and ready to move, while the parasympathetic branches put the brakes on the body. Mouth breathing can shift your body towards a sympathetic response. If your body is in this state because of persistent stress and breathing problems, the body won't be able to build tissues from the exercises you're doing.

Here's how breathing through the nose can help with weight loss

Nasal breathing is beneficial for weight loss. Since a large portion of this process of recovery occurs during sleep, it is vital for you to breathe in a manner that shifts your nervous state into ‘rest and digest'.

Here's how to correct your breathing

Improving nasal breath to ensure good health. Since we shift to breathing through our mouths just when the nasal passages are blocked, we need to keep them clear. High-quality vitamin C foods and supplements and curcumin, food items that contain zinc can help.

Mouth breathing vs nose breathing

We now know that breathing through the nose is beneficial to our overall health. If you breathe through the nose, it functions as a filter that sifts out tiny particles of air, like pollen. Additionally, it aids in maintaining a healthy body temperature, helps prevent tooth-related issues and snoring, and humidifies the air you breathe. Mouth breathing could cause sore throats or dry mouths, snoring, dental problems, chronic fatigue, exhaustion and Halitosis (bad breath).