Published By: Ishani Karmakar

Do You Have Any Of These 5 Health Conditions? Then, Avoid Ghee

Can everyone consume ghee? No, not really! Here, you'll learn whether or not consuming ghee is a good idea based on whether or not you have a pre-existing condition.

Ghee is a powerhouse of vitamins, omega fatty acids, and antioxidants. Since ancient times, it has been a staple in every Indian kitchen. You may already be aware of the many health benefits of ghee, but you should also know that it is not appropriate for everyone to consume. Ghee does not come without its drawbacks.

Who Shouldn't Eat Ghee?

Here are five medical situations in which consuming ghee might be harmful

If you have a milk allergy

Ghee, being a dairy product, should be avoided or consumed in moderation by those who are allergic to milk. Ghee can cause a variety of adverse reactions in some people, including rashes, hives, nausea, vomiting, and even stomach upset. Although some people who are lactose intolerant may eat ghee without any problems. In that case, you should talk to your doctor about your milk allergy or lactose intolerance.

Not recommended for those with cardiac conditions

Oxidized cholesterol is present in ghee and has been linked to an increased risk of several illnesses, including heart disease. Heart attacks are more likely to occur because of the fat content. The American Heart Association suggests keeping your intake of saturated fats to fewer than 7% of your total daily calories if you have heart issues.

Diseases of the liver

Though it does not directly cause liver problems, those who suffer from jaundice, fatty liver, or abdominal pain should stay away from ghee out of precaution. But ingesting ghee in moderation poses no threat to the liver.

Obese people

Two tablespoons of ghee per day is good if you are trying to lose weight. However, consuming more than that might lead to weight gain if the recommended amount is exceeded. While the weight loss-promoting Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) in ghee is real and helpful, the fat's high calorie content means that too much of it might lead to weight gain if consumed on a regular basis. Therefore, those who are overweight should not overdo it.

Expecting women who are having stomach problems

Ghee might be hard to digest for some people. If you often encounter digestive issues like indigestion, bloating, or stomach issues, you should either avoid it or eat it with caution. Since nausea and bloating are common complaints among expectant mothers, cutting back on ghee consumption is recommended.