Published By: Puja Sinha

Does Sound Bath Therapy Help?

Traditional practices to restore our wellbeing have made their way back into our modern lives 

Contrary to what its name suggests, sound bath is scarcely related to soaking into a tub; rather it is a cleansing process with a bunch of instruments emanating sounds at different frequencies. In the sessions, practitioners use the traditional singing bowls, gongs, harps, chimes, tuning forks, Tibetan bowls and drums to insinuate healing. Sound bath therapy is indeed beneficial in the following ways.

Deeply Soothes: Each sound healing session employs different beats and rhythms that are known for healing the body wrapping around you an assuring blanket of tranquillity. It releases anxiety from your body thereby balancing you firmly in a state of harmony. The different vibrancies ensconce you into a meditative experience by helping the mind relax into a state of slower brain waves. In these sessions, it is possible to radiate alpha waves—a state in which although you remain awake but deeply relaxed. In this state, the brain releases more serotonin and absorb complex information. Needless to say, the mindfulness indices a complete chilled state for your body.

Boosts Clarity: Since sound bath sessions shrink stress tremors that are meddling up with concentration and focus, you gain better clarity of situations that might have previously vexed or angered you. Breathing exercises are integrated into the sessions to reboot the nervous system and enhance focus. Experts opine that unlike traditional messages, sound therapy is more penetrative since it works through your skin, tissues and muscles. For amateur and practiced meditators alike, therapy sessions are assured to gift you with a renewed sense of purpose.

Restores Mental Health: The balming effect of sound eases anxiety and reduces stress and depression. Even for beginners, the immersive experience of sound bath is synonymous with flushing out the toxins of the body and equipping the mind better to cope with stress and pain. As far as the flow and frequencies of the sound are concerned, each instructor has their own way around it.

Supervises Physical Health: Since sound bath therapy integrates a holistic approach towards complete wellbeing and manages chronic stress, it helps your body to get rid of painful ailments. With the suppression of stress hormones, the body is naturally blessed with an improved immune system. The therapy is recommended to cure insomnia or disturbed sleep cycle, maintain cardiovascular health, regulate cholesterol levels and reduce chronic pain. After a series of sessions, you develop a healthy mechanism to combat stress hormones which interestingly implies lesser psychological and physical complexities.