Published By: Satavisha

Easy Memory Tricks For Creating And Remembering Safe Passwords

You are most certainly tired of hearing how vital it is to follow certain steps while creating a new password, but we can assure you it is very important to keep them in mind.

With all these websites that we log into every day, it can become a hassle to remember all the passwords. We are all guilty of forgetting at least one password, or using a common password for every login, simply because it is easy to remember. Here are some easy memory tricks that can help you create unique yet easy-to-memorize passwords that will keep all your information safe and secure.

Think of a meaningful sentence or a memorable phrase

Think of a sentence or a phrase that means something to you, and it would be best if it is meaningful only to you. Make sure it is not too short, as it should not be easy to guess, nor should it be too long that you forget it. It is better if it constitutes lower and upper case letters and even better if you add symbols. You may also come up with an inside joke.

Merge two words

Think of two words (again, it is best if the word means something only to you) and create a new word by combining the letters. If you have chosen “Good” and “Hope”, your new password will be “GHooopde”. You may also add some symbols or numbers to strengthen it.

Use the account name as a shortcut.

You can use the name of the website or the color of its logo to create a secure and memorable password. For instance, with Instagram, you could use I or IG as the last or first letters in your password.

Swap the vowels into numbers

This trick could work well for you if you want to create a strong password that is easy to remember. Simply, think of a word and swap the vowels with numbers. For instance, if you think of the word “Glory” swap ‘o’ with a number, such as “Gl1ry.” You may also add a symbol if you like

Create a password using your favorite lyrics

It is almost impossible to forget the lyrics to your favorite song. They often keep playing on repeat in our heads, so using it as your password could be an option. Choose your favorite chorus or line, or an album name and merge them with the name of your favorite band member. This trick will keep your account secure, and you will probably never forget it.

Explore these easy hacks and find out which one works best for you.