Published By: Darielle Britto

Easy Tips To Clean Up Your Wardrobe

Here are simple ways to have a clutter-free wardrobe.

Have you ever looked at your closet and wondered how you accumulated so much stuff? It can be difficult to clean out your wardrobe and doing it all at once can feel daunting. Keeping your closet clean and organised is a process that you have to take slowly. You can make a plan to overhaul your wardrobe little by little on a weekly, monthly, and yearly basis. Here are some simple tips to overhaul your wardrobe.

Get rid of one thing you don’t wear once a week

If you are having trouble letting go of your clothes, avoid doing a big cleanout. Take it slow and break down this goal into small manageable tasks. For instance, set aside time in the week to take a good hard look at your closet. Select just one item in there to get rid of. This makes the process easy and you don't have to make a hundred decisions all at once about what to keep and what to give away. Choosing just one item to say goodbye to is easy and more manageable. It might also be easier to decide to get rid of one thing in one day instead of multiple items in your closet.

Get rid of one more item you don't wear once a month

Purging your closet takes time and should be gradual. Once you feel comfortable with getting rid of things once a week, try and get rid of two items of clothing once a week. By this point, you should be more aware of the things you like and the things that no longer serve you. Think about how often you wear an item and how well it fits you before you decide to get rid of your clothes.

Schedule a date to get rid of your clothes

Now that you have a bag of clothes you are ready to let go of, it is time to move them out of your home. Set a date aside to give away, sell, or donate your clothes. Make a list of what needs to go in the trash and what you want to give away. This way you have an actual plan to get rid of the clothes you do not want. This process could also help you make more thoughtful decisions about the clothes you choose to invest in.