Published By: Ishani Karmakar

Effective Ways To Prevent Dehydration

Dehydration can cause fatigue, dizziness, and disorientation, just to name a few of the symptoms. Drinking enough of fluids is the best defence against dehydration.

Our bodies naturally expel water throughout the day, but dehydration develops when we lose more fluids than we take in. The right balance of water and electrolytes must be maintained in the body since humans are primarily water and electrolytes.

Staying hydrated will not only help you avoid these any side effects, but it will also likely improve your mood, increase cognitive function, and reduce weariness.

Dehydration can be avoided in the following ways:

Take a look at these possible signs of dehydration to see whether you're at danger of being dehydrated without realising it. Headaches, lethargy, vomiting, and a flushed complexion are all symptoms of dehydration. Irritability and a lack of energy may also set in.

When You're Thirsty, Respond To It

The most common symptom of dehydration? Feeling a little thirsty. Even though it's easy to get caught up in day-to-day activities and forget to pay attention to your thirst cues, your body is trying to tell you that you need to replenish your fluid reserves. Always have a water bottle on hand, and sip from it anytime you feel thirsty. Alternatively, try to stay hydrated throughout the day to avoid ever reaching that level. Setting personal hydration objectives, such as finishing the bottle before lunch and drinking another one before heading home in the evening, can help you stay on track.

Check Your Mouth For Signs Of Dehydration

The interior of your mouth can also be used to determine your level of hydration. You're short on water if the ground is beginning to dry out.

Ignore The 8-Glasses Rule

Drinking eight glasses of water a day has long been a common recommendation. This is not going to be enough for the vast majority of us. Even while that's a good starting point, it may not be enough if you're in a particularly dry region. Several factors, such as your age and degree of activity, affect how much water you need.

If You Workout, Make Sure You Increase Your Water Intake

When you exercise hard or for a long time, your body needs extra water to keep you hydrated. When it comes to fluid loss during exercise, endurance athletes can lose as much as 10% of their body weight in perspiration. Remember that endurance athletes need to focus on this more than anybody else.