Published By: Urbee Sarkar

Email Etiquettes Every Professional Should Know

Don’t come across as rude in your professional emails!

With our work having gone digital, emails have legit become the most important thing of our lives. Every professional in any field has to tackle hundreds of emails every day. Naturally, it does not help you or your organization look well if you don’t know the first thing about professional email etiquettes. Writing professional emails require a certain decorum to maintain if you want to save your face from the embarrassment of repetitive errors. Here are a few email etiquettes that every professional is expected to know.

Write Your Subject

Please, please stop sending out emails without a proper subject line. Your subject row must include a statement that is clear, brief and crisp. It should be direct about what the reader is about to encounter in the said email. Writing the subject line is extremely important because that is the first thing a person reads and often, based on what your subject line says, the reader either opens or ignores your email.

Have A Professional Email Address

Look, we all have been kids and created some an email address with a dumb name. Often, we are even embarrassed to reveal that to people. So, don’t! While sending a professional email, make sure that your email address is professional as well instead of being something you found funny or cheesy a decade ago. A professional email address should have your name in a decent manner so that the recipient knows who it is exactly from.

Say It, Don’t Shout It!

Use exclamation points as scarcely as possible because nobody prefers to read a hyper excited email. Using too many exclamation marks on your email may make you come across as immature or emotional none of which is the appropriate tone for a professional email. Moreover, make sure you are using the right letter cases for your content and not writing it all in small or block letters. Using too many exclamation points may even make your recipient feel like you are shouting at them thereby making you appear rude.

Don’t Hurt Cultural Sentiments

Remember that people from different cultures speak and write differently. Your email must be tailored according to the cultural background of the recipient. This is important because emails don’t let you see each other’s body language and hence it is important that you respect the cultural differences.