Published By: Urbee Sarkar

Essential Tips For Riding The Glacier Express In Switzerland

For truly experiencing Switzerland in all its majestic beauty, you need to hop on the Glacier Express!

It is a known fact that Switzerland offers a treat to the eyes when it comes to the beautiful landscapes. One of the most recommended experiences to enjoy the glorious beauty of Switzerland is to ride on the Glacier Express. The Glacier Express is known to follow one of the most beautiful scenic routes in Europe and it would be a shame if you are to miss it. Here are a few essential tips that you need to remember before you board the Glacier Express.

Get A Reservation Well In Advance

Do not wait around to get your booking done for the Glacier Express. The Glacier Express is one of the most popular rides in Switzerland. Naturally, if you were to book the ride at the last minute, chances are you are going to miss out on this once in a lifetime experience. Make sure to book your ride quite well in advance. In fact, we would recommend you to book your Glacier Express ride tickets even before you book your hotels. It is a number one priority. If you want to get window seats available to enjoy the beautiful view of the Swiss mountains, get your reservation done already!

The Pictures Can Wait, Your Eyes Cannot

Just relax and take in the view, please! Most people place their focus on taking pictures and photos of the gorgeous view while they are on board the Glacier Express. Of course, you need memories and evidence, but it will not be worth it if you don’t enjoy the view. The movement of the Glacier Express is quite fast and therefore getting any decent pictures of the outside view is a hard thing to achieve. Moreover, the pictures would not do even a little bit of justice to what your eyes would witness. So, forget about the photos and just let your eyes take in the beauty of all of it.

Having Rail Pass Would Save Money

Look, a ride on the Glacier Express does not come cheap. Get a rail pass to avail the ride at a cheaper cost. If you try to get your reservation without the pass, it would charge an exorbitant amount. The smart thing to do would be to get a rail pass that already includes the Glacier Express reservation fee.