Published By: Ishani Karmakar

Evolution Of Humans In The Past 150 Years And Big Changes In Their Anatomy

The history of the human race is presented in school textbooks as though it occurred tens of thousands of years ago. This process is being studied as if it belonged in history rather than as a strictly biological issue.

It is common for us to believe that human evolution ended with our forebears, the Homo rhodesiensis, and to overlook the reality that the human body has experienced changes in recent years.

The human body's evolution is depicted in this article. Incrementally gaining in height

A 200-year study shows that human height has increased. According to a research study, both men and women throughout the world have witnessed a rise in their height, particularly South Korean women and Iranian males.

Temperature of the body

Even when the Earth's temperature rises, the average person's core body temperature falls. Stanford University researchers have established that males in the 21st century have lowered their body temperature by 1.06 degree F compared to data from the 19th century. Women have also experienced a 58 degree F drop in temperature, according to historical data.

Early puberty Teenage years are here earlier than they were a century ago for both boys and girls. Health and diet play an important role in this. 15% of females begin puberty at 7 years old, according to a research from the University of California. The onset of puberty is expected to be one to two years earlier than the records of the early 20th century. Longevity

Due to improvements in sanitation, nutrition, hygiene, and other aspects, the human lifespan has risen. Longevity is expected to climb to 120 years by the end of the twenty-first century, according to a study from Spain's Santaluca Institute.

New organs are being discovered

Theinterstitium, a previously unknown biological component, has been discovered in recent investigations because to advances in science and technology. This organ, which has sparked significant debate among researchers, is a network of cavities formed of collagen and elastin.

The disappearance of body components

Other elements of the human body will undoubtedly vanish in the next several years in line with the preceding statement. The third molars, often known as wisdom teeth, are not a problem for some people who are born without them. This is due to the fact that our jaws have shrunk as a result of our dietary changes.


When junk food is readily available, it's no surprise that our bodies have become weaker. According to the WHO, obesity rates have increased by nearly thrice since 1975. More than 1.9 billion individuals were overweight in 2016, with more than 650 million of those being obese, according to the most recent data available.