Expert Tips: Things to Know About Training Your Puppy
Training a puppy may seem overwhelming in the beginning but follow these steps and you will see how the task becomes a little less daunting.
You’ve got a puppy home and are overjoyed at the new arrival. But, just like our babies require training to do and communicate some basic tasks, so does your canine baby. It’s a huge task, no doubt, but we have some steps here that can make this daunting task a little easier for you. Read on.
Train them to Love their Crate
Settling into a new home and schedule is not easy for your pup as well. Get him a crate and train him to love it. A bored dog roaming around freely might end up scratching your table or ripping apart your curtains, so it’s best to train them to be comfortable in their crate by treating them every time they enter it and by feeding them only in their crates.
Bathroom Training
Teaching your puppy where to eliminate is the basic task that you need to teach your pet right away. Set the home rules as you bring them home and train them where to eliminate in a very firm way. Positive reinforcement and leash training are some of the ways that can help you get success in this area
Walk on a Leash
Making playful puppies walk on a leash is a very difficult task. In this case, daily practice works best and is the only thing that works. Walking on a leash calmly and comfortably is of great help when you go out for housebreak or socializing, and that is also the best time to make your pets accustomed to it.
Social Skills
Training your dog to socialize is not that difficult. Take them out everywhere, from pet stores and parks to shops and places where they’re allowed. Build their confidence from a young age so that when they grow bigger, they’re comfortable and well behaved around other human beings and dogs.
To Be Home Alone
Dogs are known to be social beings and love human company. Their first time alone at home can be stressful for both the pups and the pet parents. Train them to stay home alone in your presence by making them comfortable in their crate. Fill it with food and toys to make the environment happy and playful. Practice leaving the pup alone in a room for some time while you stay outside and slowly increase the duration of their ‘alone time.’ Do not forget to reward them in case they stay calm and happy! Over time, you will be able to leave your dog home alone for long durations in a day, without him whimpering too much.