Published By: Satavisha

Factors to Consider Before Installing Rooftop Solar Panel

In recent years, solar power technology has witnessed incredible advancements, and its popularity has helped mitigate the cost of the equipment involved.

We have all faced that confusing feeling when we walk up to a store with the best intentions and motivation but end up standing puzzled by the shelf, looking at various product types offered by numerous manufacturers, and failing to decide which one we should opt for. Purchasing and installing solar panels for rooftops is no exception. Since it is a comparatively large investment, it is vital to make accurate calculations and know all about the product specifications. Keep reading to learn about the factors you must keep in mind before installing rooftop solar panels.

Type of the roof

It is the most significant factor that one must take into consideration before installing rooftop solar panels. Note that every house has different roofs, and some types are not suitable for the installation of solar panels. Nevertheless, solar panels can be installed on almost all types of roofs; it just might require additional costs and efforts. If your roof has regular wood shingles or Spanish tiles, you simply need to look out for a solar panel expert who is skilled and experienced enough to install solar panels on all kinds of roofs.

Check your roof for any repair.

Before installing solar panels, you need to ask yourself, how old is the roof? If you feel a new roof will be needed soon or that a part of it requires repair, it is better to postpone the installation of solar panels. Take care of the damaged roof before the installation to avoid paying additional charges to dismantle the work and reinstall the panels.

The shape of your roof

Roofs come in various sizes and shapes. Before proceeding with any installation, you must check if your roof can offer enough space for solar panels. Without enough room, you might not get the return you expect on your investment.

How much weight can your roof withstand?

Installation of solar panels increases the weight exerted on the roof’s structure. If your roof fails to handle the weight of the solar panels, it will eventually lead to its collapse. It is not just dangerous but also costly. To avoid this, it is vital to seek professional assistance to evaluate the strength of your roof and to determine the requirement of additional structural support for the installation.

The direction of the slope of your roof

Solar panels require specific placement for generating maximum power. Most experts believe the ideal placement is to have the panels face west, while others say south. Regardless, this information is crucial, and you must determine that before the installation begins.

Installing rooftop solar panels will free you from the electrical grid, mitigate your household’s carbon footprint, and might even slash your electricity bills.