Published By: Satavisha

Five Personality Traits That Reveal You Are An ‘Extroverted’ Introvert

Are you a “social introvert” or an “outgoing introvert”? You are probably an extroverted introvert.

You may dislike making shallow, small talks, and spending too much time around people makes you irritable and feel drained out, yet other aspects of introversion do not resonate with you at all. But you probably have a lot of friends, and you love meeting new people. Even though you like meaningful conversations, you are quite good at light chitchats too. By now, you must be wondering if you are an introvert at all. Look out for the following personality traits to find out which ones resonate with you.

Your level of energy depends upon your environment.

You are sensitive to your surroundings, and you care about how the environment looks - the kind of music that is playing, the level of noise, and the number of people present. The ambience plays a significant role in energizing or draining you, depending on how well the environment fits your preferences. A rock concert in a jampacked stadium might be overwhelming for you — but an up-close acoustic set in a quaint cafe may be soothing.

You consider people to be exhausting as well as intriguing

You may find it fascinating to meet new people and hear about their life, but spending every night hanging out with friends may seem exhausting for you. Extroverted introverts enjoy going out with people, but after a long day at work, you may want to recharge by being alone.

You prefer one-on-one communications.

One-on-one communication is your favourite type of interaction. While you are amazing with people, you just do not prefer small talks – which is common in group situations. As an extroverted introvert, you prefer spending time with people you are really interested in and the ones you can have meaningful conversations with.

You love to go out, but you tend to ghost people.

Extroverted introverts love being social. Take them out dancing or for dinner, and they will love it, but a point will come – where they will want to run back home. Not because they are having a bad time, but they simply feel it is time to be silent. They have a natural inclination to ghost from these situations because goodbyes often leave them with guilt.

You are selectively social.

Even though you gain immense satisfaction from your relationships, you don’t always possess the energy to maintain a large social network, and you don’t click with just anybody. Thus, you make your limited “people” energy count by investing it into just your close relationships.

Remember, you can be outgoing and also an introvert. It is all about understanding yourself and honouring what you enjoy.