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Five Signs That Indicate Your Partner Is Your True Twin Flame

You have surely heard about soulmates, but do you know about twin flames? While both concepts seem similar, they are remarkably different.

A twin flame refers to a fierce soul connection with an individual, believed to be your other half, also known as a "mirror soul." This theory suggests that sometimes a single soul gets split into two different bodies. A twin flame relationship will be healing as well as challenging – it happens because of the mirroring characteristic of a twin flame; they subject you to your deepest fears, shadows, and insecurities. But have you come across your mirror soul? Here are some signs that indicate your partner is your twin flame.

You are almost similar

Your twin flame and you may have a lot of similarities, like common values, interests, past experiences, and more. For instance, if your childhood was traumatic, your twin flame probably had a similar experience. But that does not necessarily mean that they will be your mirror image. Twin flames will show you your deepest insecurities and fears, but they will also teach you ways to overcome the same.

Instant connection and recognition

When you come across your twin flame, you will experience an inexplicable and intense sense of longing, attraction, and recognition. You may feel like you have known this individual for a very long time, and eventually, your instincts will suggest that you two are destined to be together for a lifetime.

The chemistry is intense

Owing to the fierce energetic connection from the beginning, and a strong desire to be emotionally vulnerable – a twin flame relationship is overwhelmingly emotional and intense. Every feeling you experience – both good and bad – will get amplified.

The connection will feel divine

After finding your twin flame, you will experience a particular, larger-than-life joy that feels predestined or divine. You will most likely feel like a higher spiritual power has brought you closer to your twin flame.

You complement one another

In the areas where you are not similar to your twin flame, you will realize that the differences complement each other like yin and yang. For instance, your shadow will be complemented by their light, and their shadow will be complemented by your light, creating balance.

A twin flame relationship will rapidly transform your life for good, and you will instantly know when you find yours.