Published By: Satavisha

Five Signs You Should Look Out For That Indicates Your Pet Bird Is Ill

It is always upsetting when your pet is sick, but it is usually more difficult to find out if your little feathered friend is doing poorly or not.

While some pet birds might show unusual signs to let you know that they are feeling unwell, it may be difficult for other birds to do the same. Birds often disguise their sickness because it helps keep predators at bay in the wild. However, in captivity, this strange behaviour only makes it difficult for their human friends to find out when their birds are unwell. By the time it becomes evident that the bird is unwell - it is usually too late to consult a vet. Here are some signs that indicate your bird might be ill.

Loss of appetite and weight

To find out if your feathered friend is eating well, clean out the cage before giving them fresh food, and it will help you check how much they have consumed and what amount of food they have left behind. If they stop eating and begin losing weight, you should immediately visit a vet. Loss of appetite and sudden weight loss could be the reason for blockage in their intestines and may need surgery.

The texture and colour of droppings change

If you clean their cage regularly, it will help you monitor their droppings. Notice if the colour of their poo has changed, and keep a note of the consistency and texture of droppings. For instance, too runny or too hard droppings indicate that your bird is ill.

Look out for ruffled feathers.

Birds generally ruffle their feathers while cleaning and preening themselves to eliminate dust and dirt from their body. But it is abnormal if you find them sitting with ruffled feathers for over hours. Your fluffed-up bird is not pissed at you - it is most likely unwell and experiencing discomfort. If you notice them sitting with ruffled feathers for a day or more, do consult your vet.

Weakness and lethargy

Does your feathered companion have an active demeanour but seem to be low on their energy lately? Is it sulking in a corner for a prolonged time? Is it napping more than usual? These signs may indicate that they are weak and lethargic. Try to identify what is causing this behaviour and contact a vet for a check-up if needed.

Red eyes and runny cere

A cere refers to the area on a bird’s beak where they have the nostrils. If you notice any unusual redness or discharge, take it as a sign of sickness. The same applies to their eyes. Dull, hazy, and runny eyes may be indicative of respiratory problems.

Early diagnosis of an ailment can bring a massive difference in their ability and chances to recover from several health issues.