Published By: Ishani Karmakar

Foods That Will Keep You Warm And Cosy In Winter

Need some warmth in the chilly months? Here’s help!

Winter has arrived, and while we are relishing the cool wind after months of searing heat, it is absolutely essential to provide your body with the warmth it requires throughout the cold months; otherwise, you may find yourself spending your winters in bed with cold-borne illnesses.

You could be asking yourself why. Let me tell you something: as the temperature drops, the body's metabolism slows to preserve energy and keep the body warm. One of the reasons we feel drowsy and sluggish in the winter is because of this. But fear not, here are eight food options that will keep you warm and get you through the frigid winter months.

Incorporate honey into your food

Honey is naturally warming, and regular consumption can help keep the body warm as well. This is why it is not recommended to consume too much honey during the hot summers. Honey, which improves the immune system, is also beneficial for preventing colds, coughs, and flu. So, to keep warm, drink honey in hot water or eat a spoon of honey every morning.

Enjoy Sesame seeds Chikki

The winter months in India are prime time for enjoying chikki, a sweet delicacy. What are chikkis composed of, exactly? They are made of sesame seeds, which keep the body warm and comfy in the winter. Iron and calcium are abundant in these seeds, which help to strengthen bones and muscles. To keep oneself energetic and toasty, soak some sesame seeds overnight and eat them the next morning, or create little balls of jaggery and sesame seeds and eat one every morning. To keep your body temperature up, use sesame seed oil in your cooking.

Ghee (Indian butter)

You may have observed that your mother spreads ghee on your rotis throughout the winter months. That's for a purpose, after all. Desi ghee is the most readily digested fat, providing much-needed warmth to the body. But wait, there's more. Ghee aids digestion, prevents stomach issues, boosts immunity, and defends against colds and flu. You may cook your meal in ghee or add a few drops of ghee to your dal and sabzi.


Ginger contains thermogenic qualities that help you stay warm in the cold. It also helps to promote blood flow and enhance metabolism. Make yourself a nice cup of ginger tea every morning and you're ready to go.


Tulsi is well-known for its therapeutic benefits. As a result of its high levels of vitamin C (as well as zinc and iron), it can assist the body fight against cold-related illnesses like the flu. Raw tulsi leaves might help to strengthen your immunity and keep your body warm in the winter.