Published By: Sayan Paul

Foods to avoid if you have skin allergy

Prone to skin allergy? Read on to find out what foods you should avoid.

Skin allergy is a very common and irritating disease that can happen to people of any age group. It can occur anywhere on your skin and the symptoms include skin irritation, rashes, itchy skin, redness on skin, watery eyes, sneezing and some other conditions. While several factors can cause this disease, there are also certain foods that you may not know can trigger skin allergy.

  1. Citrus Fruits: Citrus fruits contain certain chemicals that react with your body and develop the symptoms of skin allergy. So if you have skin allergy, avoid citrus fruits such as oranges, grapefruits, lemons, cumquats, mandarins etc.
  2. Tomatoes: While tomatoes are among the most beloved and consumed foods in the world, it can also cause skin allergy to certain people. Tomatoes contain some properties that can trigger skin allergy and the symptoms include skin rash, eczema, abdominal cramps, itchiness, swelling, sneezing etc.
  3. Milk: Milk, particularly cow's milk may trigger skin allergy to many children. Milk contains protein, casein and some other ingredients that react with the body and cause skin allergy, to those who have sensitive skin. The symptoms include acidity, swelling, vomiting, stomach cramps etc. So if you are allergic to milk, avoid all dairy products such as paneer, curd, cheese, butter and ice cream.
  4. Spices: Certain spices are known as very common triggers of skin allergy and can cause itchiness, redness, sneezing, anaphylaxis etc. So you have skin allergy, restrict consuming spices such as cloves, cinnamon, garlic, mustard, caraway, saffron, ginger etc.
  5. Tree Nuts: Tree nuts like almonds, walnuts, cashew, pistachios, hazelnuts, pine nuts etc can cause several types of skin allergy, mainly anaphylaxis. Swelling, itchy skin, rashes, skin irritations, difficulty in breathing are some of the common symptoms of the allergy. So if you have a sensitive skin, avoid all kinds of nuts.
  6. Soybean: The nickel in soybean reacts with your body and causes hormonal imbalances, which can ultimately lead you to skin allergy. The symptoms include ashes, swelling, redness, bloating, vomiting, stomach cramps etc.
  7. Processed Foods: Processed foods contain rich amount of MSG, trans fat, artificial colorant, corn syrup, sugar etc that disrupt your digestion and immunity and raise your insulin level, all of which lead you to inflammation and finally, cause skin allergy.
  8. Wheat: Wheat contains gluten, a type of protein that disrupts your digestive system and causes inflammation, which result in triggering skin allergy. The symptoms include rashes, swelling, vomiting, diarrhea, bloating etc.
Also foods such as shellfish, fish, chamomile, corn etc can trigger your skin allergy, if you have a sensitive skin. So avoid all these foods and say "no" to skin allergy.