Published By: vikramsharma

From Audio Cassettes to Landline Phones, A Few Childhood Memories only 90s Kids can Relate to

People born in the 80s and 90s were probably the luckiest generation as they are exposed to the innocence and simple things the generation before experienced along with the technical things today’s kids enjoy. The 90s had a charm of its own and here we have created a list of some childhood memories only 90s kids can understand.

Audio Cassettes

In the 90s, tape recorders and CD players were the main sources of listening to songs and they had a charm of their own.

Before the advent of the internet, audio cassettes were the Spotify of 90s kids. Along with buying the audio cassettes of the movies, people in the 90s used to record their favorite songs in one single cassette and since many do not have two tapes to record the songs, the neighborhood cassettes shops were there to record songs in exchange for few bucks. Who can forget fixing your tapes using a pen/pencil and having a Walkman made boys and girls cool in those days.

Landline Phones

Today people can’t imagine their lives without mobiles and the 90s were the time when the whole household had one single landline phone to talk with friends and relatives.

Before mobiles took over the market like a cyclone, landline phones were the mode to talk with friends and family members. Remember gossiping with your best friends with landline phones for hours even after getting scolded by your parents? Unlike today, 90s people used to note down phone numbers in a personal diary.

Reel Cameras

Today mobiles have replaced cameras and reel cameras became a kind of antique piece to collect but in the 90s, reel cameras were very important to capture memories in photos.

Despite having hundreds of photos on your mobile, there is a different charm in going through old photo albums. In the 90s reel cameras were the best options to click cameras and almost every middle and upper-class household had them. After clicking the photos, we had to wait for another 3-4 days to wash the negatives and get the pictures but it had a charm of its own we forgot today.


Unlike today, television shows in the 90s were very good, and shows like Chandrakanta, Shatktimaan, etc were important parts of our growing up years.

Today we can watch anything, any show, any series, any movies on our smartphones but back in the 90s, television was the only source of entertainment we had. Sundays were extra special because shows popular shows like Chandrakanta, CaptianVyom, Shatktimaan, etc were broadcasted on Sunday and who can forget HemaMalini anchoring our favorite show Rangoli where songs used to come and the whole family used to sit and watch it together. Those were the days of innocence and simple things we miss now.