Published By: Darielle Britto

Functional food groups to incorporate into your diet

Here’s how you can benefit from these foods

Functional foods have been gaining recognition for their role in promoting well-being through nutrition. Moreover, these foods are readily accessible and boast a multitude of advantages. Functional foods help support different bodily functions, such as gastrointestinal health, cognitive function, and muscular strength. These types of foods are also rich sources of essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Opting for whole-food versions of these functional foods, as it is the best way for the body to absorb these vital nutrients. Here are a few functional food groups to incorporate into your diet.


Chia and flax seeds have witnessed a surge in popularity, thanks to the ongoing discovery of their extensive health advantages. These seeds are rich sources of heart-healthy fats, fibre, protein, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. For an easy way to consume them, you can enjoy chia-seed pudding or take your morning oatmeal to the next level by sprinkling chia and flax seeds.


When it comes to functional food, berries are the star of the show in the fruit world. Blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries stand out due to their high flavonoid and anthocyanin content and offer valuable antioxidant benefits. They can also potentially help prevent serious health issues. Moreover, berries are excellent sources of dietary fibre, contributing to the promotion of a healthy digestive system.


In the realm of functional foods, cruciferous vegetables take centre stage among vegetables. Think cauliflower, broccoli, and cabbage. These types of vegetables are packed with compounds known for their digestive and detoxification benefits. Don't overlook beet greens, either, as they are abundant in B vitamins and choline. Having a good dose of these essential nutrients goes a long way in nurturing the heart and brain, as well as bolstering the body's inherent mechanisms for waste elimination.


Beans and lentils stand as a nutritional powerhouse, boasting a range of benefits, from providing gut-friendly dietary fibre to contributing to muscle recovery. They also contain protein and essential micronutrients, like potassium and folate, for foundational nourishment. This harmonious combination also plays a pivotal role in elevating both blood sugar control and cholesterol levels. Additionally, legumes offer a bountiful supply of protein and vital minerals. Noteworthy is the fact that black beans, edamame, and lentils are excellent sources of iron.

Whole grains

Whole grains, like oats and brown rice, are a treasure trove of nutrients that contain a wealth of fibre, protein, antioxidants, and B vitamins. Furthermore, whole-grain bread and cereals are rich sources of B vitamins and iron, while the fibre found in whole grains contributes to the gradual digestion of your meal, promoting digestive health and gut well-being. Embracing a substantial quantity of whole grains is associated with a plethora of health advantages, acting as a safeguard against significant health concerns. 


Nuts pack a punch as they offer healthy fats, protein, and fibre. They make for an ideal snack when cravings strike. Nuts contribute to a multitude of health benefits, spanning from regulating cholesterol levels to promoting cardiovascular wellness. Their versatility knows no bounds – you can also consume them in various forms, such as nut butter or nut milk. Notably, almonds and walnuts contain linoleic acid and alpha-linolenic acid, offering potential protection against hypertension and heart disease.

Herbs and spices

Throughout the diverse tapestry of global cultures, spices have been ingrained in the bedrock of traditional medicine. Herbs like rosemary, thyme, and oregano, as well as spices like turmeric and black pepper, assume a central role in helping with inflammation and supporting digestive function. Discover fun and healthy ways to add these spices and herbs to your diet regularly.