Published By: Elisa Ghosh

Getting a Big Gig: Everything you need to know when shifting career to freelancing

Freelancing could be your next big-time career gig if done wisely!

After years of full-time corporate roles, when your mind and body ask you to quit, you often have the feeling of what can be the career alternative to this. Sadly, not many people are aware of freelancing and the abundance of money it can provide you if you get pro in your freelancing career. But if you want to shift your career to freelancing and are not sure how to start it or what can be the first step towards this, you are at the right place.

Decide your services

First things first, you need to decide which services you want to offer as a freelancer. Is it graphic designing, copywriting, content writing, brand marketing, or any other thing for that matter? There are a hundred services you can offer, but you need to choose which service are you good at. Knowing the specifics, you will know in which areas you need to hone your skills. Do that first.

Know the rates

As a freelancer, you are supposed to be aware of the rates that you will charge as a freelance. You need to understand what is the worth of your time and skill and what your competitors in the same business are offering. Studying all of that will give you an idea of how to rate your services.

Know how to search for clients

You cannot simply post that you are open to work and wait for clients to contact you. What you need to do is, create a portfolio and showcase your works and your services on a website or platform. Once you publish and share it with your network, it gets noticed by hundreds of people, and you never know when a start-up or a brand might find you. Do not run hunting after clients, let your clients find you.

Build a marketing technique

Without effective marketing of your services, you will not be able to reach the mass. With digital marketing, you can build your online presence and share your best works with all of your social media networks. This way, when people find your write-ups or design interesting, they will keep reposting or sharing your links, and this way, you will come into the limelight very soon.

Freelancing might sound scary, like what if I don’t find any clients for a month? Will I go penniless? It’s not always so, you just have to learn first how to build your portfolio and do the networking thing effectively. Once you start getting clients, you’ll find no end to it. Welcome on board with your freelancing journey!