Published By: Sougata Dutta

Have You Ever Heard Of 'Eating Disorder'? Here’s What You Need To Know

If you or the people around you have an unhealthy relationship with food, then there is a chance that you or that person is suffering from an eating disorder.

Eating disorder is a mental health condition where someone uses food to cope with different kinds of emotions and situations. Unhealthy eating behaviours can also consist of eating a lot, too little or freaking out about weight or body shape. Anyone can get an eating disorder, however, teenagers between 13 and 17 are mainly affected.

There are several kinds of eating disorders, but the most commons are:

Anorexia nervosa,


Binge Eating Disorder (BED)

Symptoms of an eating Disorder

If you want to know if anyone around you is suffering from an eating disorcers, you need to check out several signs to figure that out:

Symptoms of eating disorders include:

Spending a lot of time thinking about weight and physical shape

Avoiding socialising when they know food will be involved

Eating very little food

Eating too much.

Making yourself ill or taking laxatives after a meal

Exercising too much

Having very strict food habits or routines around food

Sudden changes in moods such as being withdrawn, anxious or depressed

An eating disorder can also have physical symptoms, like:

Feeling cold, tired or dizzy most of the time

Pains, numbness in palms and legs

Feeling heart beat faster, fainting

Problems with digestion, such as bloating, constipation or diarrhoea

Weight being very excessive or very low for anybody of the same age and height

Not getting a period on time or any kind of delayed symptoms of puberty

Causes of an eating disorder:

You or a member of your family has a record of eating disorders

Depression or alcohol or drug misuse

You've been criticised for your eating habits, body structure or weight

If you have anxiety, low self-esteem or you are a perfectionist


One can recover from an eating disorder, however, it may take time, and restoration can be specific for everyone. One can always reach out to an eating disorder specialist or group of specialists, who will be then responsible for your care.

One can also opt for a therapy plan, which will rely on the type of eating disorder, however it generally includes talking therapy. One might also also need normal fitness checks, if the eating disorder is having an impact on the person’s physical health. Therapy may also additionally involve working through a guided self-help programme, if case the person has bulimia or binge eating disorder.

Most people are provided individual therapy, however, those with binge eating disorder might also be provided crew therapy.