Published By: Alfaraz Laique

Health Benefits Of Ajwain

Ajwain is a seed that is used in spices. It comes from a plant called 'Trachyspermumammi', this plant produces small seeds that are fruit (mistakenly called seeds) of the plant known as ajwain. They are dark green to brown in colour and bitter in baste and have an aroma like thyme. They look similar to cumin seeds but the taste and health benefits are different.

Ajwain is also known as carom seeds, and they have lots of health benefits. They are most commonly used in Indian spices and foods. Every Indian kitchen must have these seeds due to their health benefits, taste, and bite. They are also used in Ayurvedic and Siddha medicines and they have a rich importance in ancient history of India. Here are some health benefits which are provided by ajwain or carom seeds which makes one of them prestigious natural resources.

Digestive Issues

Ajwain has many medicinal properties but among them, the best function of ajwain is that helps to keep the digestive issues aside. It improves the flow of the stomach acid which helps indigestion, gas and bloating. This plant is also used for various digestive issues like peptic ulcers and treat soreness in the esophagus and intestines.

Increases milk production

Ajwain has many health benefits and one of them is that it increases the supply of breast milk in lactating mothers. Drinking ajwain water daily and consuming it in food will help new mothers to the need of the desired milk for a newborn. It also helps the colic and gastric issues in breastfed babies and heals the body internally post-delivery by keeping the body warm. It is a blessing for lactating mothers, especially first-time mothers.

Lower blood pressure

Research has been done on the rats which indicates that ajwain has thymol which keeps the calcium from entering the blood vessels of the heart. Eventually, it helps to lower the blood pressure.

Prevent coughing

Research on the guinea pigs suggests that ajwain produce an anti-coughing effect which is greater than of coughing medicine - codein. It may also improve the respiratory health of the human by increasing the airflow to the lungs. The research is limited to the animals only, therefore it needs to be studied more to be more relevant.

Anti-inflammatory effects

Ajwain has anti-inflammatory effects which may reduce the inflammation from your body. Rat research found out that by giving carrom supplement to the rats for 21 days had significant anti-inflammatory effects on them. It is therefore advisable to consume ajwain in any form you can to keep these problems away.