Published By: Shriparna

Health Hazards Associated With Long Nails And How To Maintain Them

Long nails with extra-long tips often reinforced with gel or acrylic base can be an open invitation to diseases and other health hazards

Nail art is all the rage right now. The trend which started with wearing multiple colours or small flowers drawn with contrasting colours has taken a whole new dimension now. However, long nails with extra-long tips often reinforced with gel or acrylic base is not just difficult to manage and nurture, making them almost dysfunctional, they can be an open invitation to diseases and other health hazards. People with long nails should spend at least 15 seconds washing their hands and clean underneath their nails to get rid of the unseen germs.

Here is why long nails are bad for your health

You can cause injury to yourself or anyone near you especially kids by unknowingly scratching them or chip your nail if caught in zippers, window or other such objects. A broken nail is extremely painful and can numb your fingers for days.

If you use a laptop and phone, you will easily strain your fingers. Long nails make you dysfunctional. You can use your fingertips properly and could not do household work like making a dough or washing dishes etc.

Using hands with long nails to eat food can allow bacteria and other infectious agents to enter the system. This can result in food poisoning. Experts have also warned that long nails or nail extension can carry novel coronavirus. Doctors who are undertaking a surgery need to cut their nail short before surgery.

When you don’t trim your nails regularly, ingrown nails in your toes become a persisting problem. They bend and grow into the skin underneath it. This causes tenderness, redness and even bleeding in that toe. This can lead to serious infection or other medical condition.

Moreover, artificial nails need a lot of maintenance. You cannot wear them for long. They can cause a serious fungal infection that can affect the skin of your finger.

Here’s how to keep your nail healthy

  • Do not use them to open objects that can scrape off a part of your nail. This will chip your nails and make edges sharp.
  • Wear gloves while cooking, gardening, cleaning to protect germs from collecting under nails.
  • Clean your nails every day and trim cuticles. Use sanitizers frequently
  • Dip your nails in saltwater, eat a nutritious diet that includes iron, calcium for bone and nail health
  • Use a cotton ball soaked in sanitizer to thoroughly clean nail tools like filer, cutter before and after using them.
Apply the nail hardener first and then add a fresh layer of nail paint every 1 to 2 days to keep them looking great.