Published By: Ishita Vohra

Health Hazards of Excess Tea Consumption

Tea is love, it's an emotion, and it's the best way to get out of life's rut! Ask any tea darling and they would connect with these ardent words and how tea drives their feelings. Right from festivities to distresses, for a tea darling the main steady in this world is the adoration for tea!

This love of tea might be slowly killing you, even though these words sound so appealing.

Tea is a drug of choice for the majority of people. If we don't start with tea, our morning seems incomplete. We have developed the habit of drinking this beverage at any time of day. Do you know that drinking too much tea can cause serious health issues? Tea should be avoided at all costs, especially during pregnancy.

Trouble In Dozing- Exorbitant utilization of tea can likewise cause rest issues. Anxiety, dark circles under the eyes, and mental stress are all symptoms of insufficient sleep. Caffeine can disrupt your sleeping patterns. The tea's caffeine can make you sleep less well up to six hours before bedtime, affecting your overall health and well-being.

Acidity- Even on an empty stomach, many people drink tea first thing in the morning. Due to the slowed metabolism, this should not be done. Gas and irritated stomachs may result from this. Additionally, it may result in body weakness. That is the reason one ought to try not to have tea while starving.

A Danger To The Intestines- Extreme utilization of tea is likewise hurtful to the digestion tracts. Consumption of excess increases the likelihood of intestinal damage, which may result in digestive issues.

Negative Impact On Mental Health- According to a Healthline article, no more than three or four cups of tea should be consumed each day. This is due to the excessive caffeine content of tea. Reveling in caffeine can prompt antagonistic consequences for the body, for example, setting off migraines, causing muscle strain, and expanding sensations of tension. Additionally, excessive tea consumption can cause anxiety. Additionally, it may have a significant effect on your mental health.

Harmful To Pregnant Women- Consuming an excessive amount of tea may put their unborn child at risk, so pregnant women should exercise caution. Tea's high caffeine content can cause complications like miscarriage or premature birth, so pregnant women should limit their caffeine intake.