Published By: Darielle Britto

Helpful Tips For Caring For A Puppy

Here are some things to keep in mind when caring for a puppy.

The arrival of a new puppy in your home can be exciting. You probably want to invite everyone you know to show off the new addition to your family and constantly shower them with lots of affection. As tempting and well-intentioned as these actions may be, you may want to hold off from overdoing it. Little pups need their space and time to adjust to their new environment. Too much too soon could be overwhelming for the little one and cause it to become anxious.  Here are some helpful tips to keep in mind when caring for a puppy.

Create a good schedule

It is important to have a good schedule set up for your pet. Following a routine will be extremely beneficial for your pet. For one, it will help to keep them calm and less anxious. It will also help you identify their natural patterns over time. Make sure your dog gets fed at the same time every day. Because they are young, take them out on short walks, eight times a day at least, so they get used to it. Also, make sure to take them to the visit for regular check-ups.

Treat accidents with care

It is important to realise that accident will happen. Be mindful of how you interact with your puppy when an accident occurs. Yelling at them could be dangerous to their development. Some experts suggest that a dog most likely understands that they are being reprimanded. If you yell at them for going to the bathroom in your home, they may think you are scolding them for going. They may not understand you are mad because they messed up the home. Understand that everything is new to them and they need to nurtured and treated with a lot of care. More importantly, be patient. Allow them time to get used to the rules you are trying to get them to follow. Reinforce good behaviour with treats.

Watch for troublemaking tendencies

Even if you have done your best to puppy-proof your house, the little one may find something you forgot to hide or store away. The best thing you can do is monitor your pet for the first week. Watch them carefully to understand what they are most drawn to and like to gnaws on. Identifying any troublemaking behaviour can help you address the problem better. Make sure to do it with care.