Published By: Ishani Karmakar

Here's How To Treat Beard Psoriasis?

Beard skin is susceptible to psoriasis just like the rest of your face. However, you may get relief from flaking and itching by switching up your usual skin care routine.

Psoriasis is a skin disease that can affect any part of the body and lead to itchy, flaking, and irritated skin. Patches on the face, especially those hidden by the beard are a common symptom of psoriasis.

Shaving and beard care products can aggravate skin psoriasis, making it even more difficult to eliminate flaky skin. However, beard psoriasis may be controlled by switching to facial hair products that are less harsh on the skin and following to a skin care routine that takes psoriasis into account.

Beard Psoriasis: Treatments You Should Try

Your beard should be getting some TLC from your regular skin care routine anyhow. A basic, moisturising programme is recommended for those with beard psoriasis.

First, clean your face and beard.

Don't use strong soaps because they might cause skin irritation. Instead, wash your beard and face with a mild facial cleanser.

Choose a cleanser that is formulated for your specific skin type. Look for a cleanser that contains salicylic or glycolic acids if you also have acne-prone or oily skin; these will help control blocked pores and exfoliate psoriasis areas in a gentle way. If your skin is dry to begin with, look for a cleanser that has moisturising elements to help replenish the skin's protective barrier. Avoiding additional dryness and irritation can be aided by using a cleaner without scent.

After you've finished gently scrubbing your face with a circular motion. After washing your face with lukewarm water, pat it dry but not completely.

Apply a moisturising cream.

Moisturisers are most effective when applied to freshly cleansed, wet skin because they allow the skin to better absorb the moisture. That implies your beard needs some lotion, too.

If you struggle with acne, use a non-comedogenic beard conditioner to prevent further outbreaks and discomfort. Consider using beard oil or a fragrance-free, non-comedogenic moisturiser if dryness and irritation are your primary concerns.


Chemical exfoliation of the beard region once or twice weekly can help keep ingrown hairs at bay. Inflammation and psoriasis plaques will worsen as a result of these uncomfortable bumps.

Salicylic acid and other exfoliating chemicals can also be used to help remove dry skin flakes and dead skin cells.

Take your time shaving

Shaving your beard, even to clean up the edges, might aggravate your skin and bring on an outbreak of psoriasis. To prevent additional discomfort, after five or seven times, change the razor blade. When shaving facial hair, it's best to do it after a shower or after applying a warm cloth to the face for a few minutes.