Published By: Nirtika Pandita

How beneficial are face rollers?

A roller is an effective message tool that enhances blood circulation across the face, making you look younger

To make the face massage more effective, the technique of rollers used to massage on the face is picking pace in the beauty industry. And not just for being a fancy fad but for its range of benefits like having a healthy, glowing and radiating effect on the skin. Apart from the popular Chinese jade stone guasha, other famous rollers are rose quartz, amethyst, obsidian and metal.

The wonderful effects

This act of massaging the face with a face roller reduces stress, releases tension. It is an equivalent of body massage as it improves the blood circulation in the face making the skin look brighter and firm. It reduces puffiness, the under-eye bags as it stimulates lymphatic drainage. For the best way to use a roller for draining is to roll up towards the cheekbones, then pushing it down behind the ear. This way it directs the excess fluid to the lymph nodes behind our ears.

It also has anti-aging properties as massaging the facing with a serum using a roller helps in equally distributing the product deeper into the skin. At the same time, along with increasing the blood circulation across the face, it becomes easier for the skin to soak up the product, hence reducing fine lines.

Even celebrities like Meghan Markle, Kim Kardashian, Victoria Beckham, Justin Bieber and Miranda Kerr, among others, swear by the Chinese jade stone guasha. In fact, its Ayurvedic equivalent Kansa Wand is slowly taking up the market too.

Its various uses  

Calculated regular use of the roller enhances the facial muscle tone and carves out the cheekbones and jawline. Some experts are also of the view that these rollers can be used for the scalp, foot, and undereye massage.

On the scalp, the hair oil needs to penetrate through the pores that get clogged due to the pollution. The roller helps in equal distribution of oil through the scalp, in turn making the hair grow faster. To treat the puffy eyes, keep them in the fridge overnight and rub them under the eyes.

A word of caution However, there are some that say it helps in making the face look slim. But, experts worldwide debunk this myth. While it helps in reducing the puffiness it has nothing to do with making the face slim. Fitness and health care experts have warned that losing weight from any part of your body, including the face happens only through exercise.  Most importantly, you should clean it after each use to keep it clean of dirt.