Published By: Sohamhalder227

How does magnesium support overall growth?

Magnesium, the third most abundant mineral inside the human body, is abundantly found in bone and muscles helping numerous biochemical functions.

The human body requires essential minerals to perform functions like hormone secretion, metabolism, excretion, and so on, thus termed macronutrients for abundance and wholesome functions. According to recently published reports, magnesium is involved in over 600 biochemical functions. If you are health conscious and want to further details about this important mineral, go through this article.

Magnesium boosts athlete's performance:

Being present abundantly in muscle and bone, magnesium enhances their activities during exercise. The amount of magnesium often determines your fatigue duration as it interferes with the process of lactic acid accumulation. To enhance performance, some dieticians nowadays suggest having magnesium supplements, especially for cyclists and swimmers.

Magnesium reduces depression:

The overall neurological function is greatly affected by the abundance of magnesium. By improving brain activity, magnesium prevents frequent mood swings and anxiety-related issues. It has been proved that people suffering from depression are surviving on a very low level of magnesium in the blood. So, if you are facing mental issues, check the magnesium levels in your blood and eat magnesium-enriched foods.

Magnesium regulates blood sugar concentration:

Diabetes and insufficient magnesium is closely linked. Deceased insulin sensitivity, a major reason behind diabetes can be overcome by regular consumption of sufficient magnesium supplements. Basically, magnesium increases Insulin sensitivity to regulate blood sugar levels in your blood. Thus, people suffering from diabetes should consume a magnesium-enriched diet.

Magnesium is good for cardiovascular health:

If you want a healthy heart, consume more Magnesium, which regulates blood pressure, improves arterial health, and consequently reduces the risks of heart diseases. Some reports mentioned that magnesium deficiency is associated with increased blood cholesterol levels.

Magnesium improves the immune system:

Magnesium is essential to treat various inflammatory conditions like arthritis, diabetes, fatty liver, and so on. Magnesium reduces the concentration of C-reactive protein to treat inflammation. Furthermore, magnesium is an essential mineral promoting free radical removal.

Other functions of magnesium:

Biochemically, magnesium participates in the energy creation pathway, promotes protein generation, and regulates muscle movement. Also, magnesium aids in some DNA repair pathways. Magnesium provides relief from extreme pain suffered by migraine patients.

Let me finish the article by suggesting some easily available magnesium-rich foods to include in your diet. They are banana, avocado, dark chocolate, tofu, pumpkin seeds, brown rice, legume, soy milk, kidney beans, and so on.