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How Does Parents' Behavior Affect A Child's Health?

Negative examples given by parents can be harmful to a child’s improvement and can lead to bad behavior.

Parents significantly have an effect on their children’s behavior. Children are like sponges--they model the whole thing a parent does and include what they see into their own lives. It is vital that parents set the right examples for their children. Negative examples can be harmful to a child’s improvement and can lead to bad behavior.

Child Abuse Destroys

Child abuse causes a range of antisocial and detrimental behaviors. This is because abused kids try to cope and to understand why they are being abused. Parents who abuse their kids may also cause their kids to be aggressive and violent, experience studying issues and even become involved in drugs or alcohol. Parents who abuse supply the opposite of what a child needs to grow up healthy. Instead, they destroy the child mentally or physically.

Effects of Fighting

If arguing among parents is done fairly and with maturity, a child can certainly learn from seeing how conflicts are resolved. Verbal and physical fights are extremely tough on kids. Children can also blame themselves for their parents’ arguments and might also be traumatizing for years to come. They can also develop low self-esteem and may even behave violently toward other kids. Dysfunctional families breed dysfunctional children. Children regularly repeat this behavior in their future relationships.

Social Skills Count

Antisocial kids learn their behavior from their parents’ examples. Social abilities can be interpreted as the whole thing from the basic polite “please” and “thank you” to talking in front of crowds. Children model their parents and learn from them.

Antisocial Behavior

When a child demonstrates antisocial behavior, she doesn’t think about how her actions may damage others. Severe types of antisocial behavior can lead to drug and alcohol abuse, bad health, mental health problems, unemployment and adult crime. Parenting patterns that could lead to this kind of behavior include inconsistent and harsh parenting, as well as parental drug abuse, maternal depression and domestic violence. Adults who are permissive, coercive, terrible and have vital attitudes are more likely to have kids with antisocial tendencies.


parental negativity links to child depression and the internalization of behaviors. Harsh and bad parenting behaviors correlated with signs and symptoms of depression in children. Other elements that might also contribute to childhood depression consist of low ranges of basic support, parental depression, physical punishment, unhealthy expression of negative emotions and a lack of emotional support.