Published By: Bono Sen

How Environment Could Be Saved Even By Small Changes In Everyone's Life?

Thrifty living is the key to environmental protection!

Climate change due to increasing global warming has now called into question the very existence of the entire human race.  We hear the sound of an imminent catastrophe, so if we are still not aware of environmental protection, the extinction of the whole world, including humans, is certain.

Our Role in Environmental Protection: Everyday small efforts can make a big difference

First, we all need to know that our very existence today is in danger because of the irresponsible and irrational behavior of the tribes. As a result, it is our responsibility to save this planet, our refuge, for our own benefit. By realizing the seriousness of the situation and taking a few protective measures, we can further reduce the amount of damage. There is no need to move to a remote village to save the environment or to leave our current occupation to cultivate, just by adding a few minor changes in daily life, we can go a long way in protecting our surroundings from the effects of global warming.

Avoid unnecessary power consumption

It is important to choose the right alternatives in order to save energy. To reduce your electricity consumption, save money and protect the environment from pollution, you need to take the right steps.  The lower the amount of electrical energy you use, the lower the amount of toxic fumes emitted from the power plant. By taking this same step, each individual can collectively play a vital role in reducing the level of toxic fumes in the atmosphere.  This concerted effort not only carries the promise of a healthy future, but is also significant in conserving the earth's natural resources.

Eat locally produced foods

If you are a health conscious person, you may already be practicing this exercise.  Locally produced food is always more nutritious and tasty. A variety of synthetic chemicals are used to increase the shelf life of imported vegetables, fruits or grains.  As a result, such 'exotic' foods are not only unhealthy but also harmful to the environment by producing extra carbon footprint.

Avoid using plastic

As we all know but do not act accordingly, one of the most pressing environmental problems that exists today is dealing with the problem of plastic waste. It is not yet possible to reduce and completely eliminate the rapidly increasing production process of disposable plastic products.  The crisis of plastic pollution is more visible in the developing countries of Asian and African continents. Only 10% of decomposable plastic waste can be disposed of. The remaining 90% of harmful non-disposable plastic waste can remain in the environment for 400 to 1000 years. These wastes are constantly emitting harmful micro or nanoparticles, polluting the environment and endangering our health. Therefore, reduce the use of plastics and plastic made products as much as possible. As an alternative to plastic, use bags, utensils or other furniture made of wood or jute.

Recycle as much as possible

We need to focus on proper waste management to prevent environmental pollution. We have to make arrangements to return the waste generated by us to nature through recycling methods. Each person should control their own carbon footprint rate by reducing the use of disposable products.

A change of mindset

In order to do any good deed, first, it is important to develop a positive and diligent mentality. We need to practice self-control to protect the environment. For example, despite the fact that plastics and plastic products are very readily available and cheap, we will not use them if there is financial consistency, this mentality must be created first. Efforts like making small changes in our lives, learning the processes of recycling waste and teaching others - are able to give us the gift of a sustainable and clean world.