Published By: Sreyanshi

How to avoid holding on to resentment?

You know what is a poisonous emotion? It’s called resentment!

It’s not always what you eat or drink, poison can be an emotion that drives you, an emotion like resentment, or grudge! Let us all come out of such feelings. These two emotions, anger as well as resentment are among the most poisonous ones and they can have massively detrimental effects to your mental health!

Psychologists say that anger and resentment count as the typical examples of high intensity negative emotions and these impulses stemmed out of anger and resentments can have major effects on not only your mental health, your physical health as well. It will invariably wear you down, emotionally, spiritually, mentally and of course, physically.

These emotions occur when we are prone to live in our past, mostly in the memories of painful or hurtful pasts. These kinds of nostalgic feelings will never let us live in peace and will brew resentment within our hearts. And that’s dangerous, not just for our sake but also for people who are around us, who are taking the heat of all this anger. If we keep on holding grudges onto people who have once offended us or hurt us, we will be stuck inside our negative past.

Moving forward from these feelings is our only way out of this. We need to be courageous to move forward and go beyond our hurtful past. If we continue to feel hurt or angry we will keep on dwelling on what happened and it will be of no use, it doesn’t serve us in any way, shape, or form. It will distract us from our purpose of life and we will be wasting our time on other people and how they hurt us. That’s no way to live, it’s giving all our powers to people who hurt us and letting them control us. We have to go through the process of understanding our hurt and pain and working through them to learn the lessons that we were meant to learn out of those hurtful experiences.

Every hurtful experience teaches us something. And if we are angry about something, the chances are that we are unsatisfied with our own response to that and that is making us angry, our lack of control over that very thing. Here, we can question the need to control. Do we really need to control everything? If our lack of control angers us, or any other experience, we need to understand that it’s not within our control, what is within our control then? Our reaction, our feelings about that incident or mishap. Let’s focus on that and let us let go of the poison of emotion called anger and resentment.