Published By: Nirtika Pandita

How to create a storyboard for books or novels

A few simple steps of putting things into order and vola!

To put into words any narration is not an easy job. Especially, when it comes down to writing a book or a novel with hundreds of pages, putting the thoughts together gets a bit cumbersome. At this point in time, a storyboard is a blessing. A storyboard is a skeleton to the narration that will later bring alive the characters and places. A storyboard also helps in putting into perspective any confusion relating to the plot, character description, twists, and climax. Here are some tips and tricks for developing a precise and informative storyboard for books.

Begin by chalking out important events in the narration. First brings to light the confusing parts that lead up to the important events in the story. It also helps strengthen the understanding of the plot and character and often brings about inspiration from true-life events.

It acts as a map when putting the story together. With the character descriptions, plot twists, highs and lows of the character’s evolution, and more put in order on the storyboard help in keeping the thoughts and writing of those thoughts into words on the track. It keeps the ideas and writing inflow.

Helps clear confusion and clears out some stuck parts. As one starts to put out the important bits and parts of the narration on the storyboard, it brings to the fore some confusing parts. At times when putting down ideas, we confuse things unknowingly, with the storyboard all that comes to light. Often it also helps pulls the writer out of a soup in narration, especially not knowing where to start and end the story.

Use templates to create characters. On the storyboard place sketches of the character that are specific to them so they stay, or of the specific places to a particular scene. A pictorial or a quick representation of main events and incidents helps describe the story better. Draw an outline sketch of characters or places as it will help guide.

Chalk out the bits of adventure. It so happens when you start to put the narration into bits and pieces on the storyboard, there often are missing parts of the adventure. When adding that part, think as a reader about what kind of adventure will fascinate and keep the other person hooked. But make sure it is relevant to the plot.