Published By: Puja Sinha

How to Deal with Negative Feedback at Work?

Constructive way of dealing with negative remarks for self-improvement and productivity

Many organisations do not shy away from using orthodox techniques of correcting and chastising employees, and negative feedback or biting criticisms still top the list. Nonetheless, it is crucial for employees to not get swamped by these remarks and leverage the opportunity for growth and learning.

The art of integrating negative feedback into work and churning out positive results is imperative to succeed.

Preparing Coherent Questions for Further Clarity

Listening to criticisms alone barely suffices. Vague feedback is never instrumental for anything productive and neither could the recipients act on it. Therefore, asking questions for scrutiny and advice could clarify the critic’s intent and expectations. Such a spirit for learning also paves for better performance and lesser occurrences of similar blunders.

Demarcating between Professional and Personal Life

The negatives or toxins of the workplace should not spill over and cast a shadow on an employee's personal life since this lack of boundaries could meddle with mental peace and performance. Beating oneself up about what remarks were passed in the workplace could severe undo the bright side of feedback. Unless one analyses the problem objectively and becomes overwhelmed with emotions, the person would be stuck in a loop of errors and feedback.

Acknowledging the Need for Improvement

The frustration and anger on coming across negativity could be eliminated by leaps and bounds once one recognises the urgency of self-improvement. Constructive criticism, no matter how harsh the tone might be, could compel one to outperform and achieve more. This could stem one’s awareness towards personal brand building and climbing the corporate ladder for years to come.

Distinguishing between Negative Feedback and Personal Attack

Well, besides being cognizant of colleagues' / superiors’ intentions, being professional enough to not mix up criticisms with personal malice is important. Otherwise, once the boundaries blur, the employee ends up with low self-esteem and confidence. Once the individual focuses on the goal of learning and overcoming the obstacles tampering with the quality of work, the incidences and frequency of biting remarks decrease as well.

Willingly Asking for Feedback 

Seeking honest opinions and advice could eliminate the severity and occurrences of negative feedback hurled all at once. When feedback is given on a loop, it acts as a guideline to excel at work. This consistent stream of feedback also allows for clear insight and understanding of one’s performance and scope for betterment.

Stepping into the critics’ shoes is a wiser way to deal with adversities without getting carried away.