Published By: Sayan Paul

How to detox your liver naturally?

It's of utmost importance to keep your liver healthy.

In this article, we'll talk about some simple and natural methods that you can use to detox your liver.

So, read ahead!

Liver is the second largest organ in the human body, which works tirelessly to keep you fit and active. It helps remove toxins from the blood, which is crucial to protect you from various diseases. Also, it activates enzymes, operates bile production, aids in regulating blood sugar levels, promotes the synthesis of plasma, stores nutrients in the body's cells, and more.

So, it's evident that a healthy body depends heavily on its liver. Hence, you need to take proper care of your liver and keep it active all the time.

However, your liver can sometimes get full of toxins, leading to several issues including fatigue, obesity, poor appetite, malnutrition, allergies, indigestion, acid reflux, heartburn, and more. While consulting with a doctor is the best option, there are numerous natural ways as well that can significantly detoxify your liver.

Drink plenty of water

The simplest method is to drink at least 4-5 liters of water every day. It will hydrate your body, and also help the liver remove toxins from its cellular systems. Add some lemon juice and a pinch of salt as well as turmeric powder to your water to get the maximum benefits.

Do exercise regularly

As research studies have found, exercise helps improve the functioning of your liver enzymes. Also, it prevents the build-up of fats in the body, which further reduces your risk of fatty liver diseases. What's more, it lowers your stress levels which is a trigger of several liver issues. So, make sure to do at least 30 minutes of cardio exercises regularly.

Pay some attention to your medications

The medicines you take go through your liver. While most medicines are safe, some (as research has found) are harmful to your liver. So, discuss with your pharmacist about this before you take any medication.

Protect yourself from environmental toxins

The toxic substances that enter your body through the nose and skin can also negatively affect your liver health. They get accumulated in the liver, ruining its overall functioning to a significant extent. So, it is highly important to limit your contact with environmental toxins. Wear a mask, and maintain proper hygiene all the time.

Eat a liver-healthy diet

Diet plays a significant role in maintaining your liver health. So, incorporate green tea, garlic, ginger, amla, spinach, kale, mustard greens, bitter gourd, oatmeal, whole grains, grapes, blueberries, nuts, seeds, etc. into your regular diet. Limit your intake of fatty foods, salty foods, sugary items, etc.

If nothing works, do consult with a doctor as soon as possible.