Published By: Sohamhalder227

How to enhance blood detoxification by simple yoga steps?

Your health is strictly dependent on the condition of your blood cells. When there are excess impurities, you need to detoxify blood with simple yoga steps.

Blood detoxification is the process of removal of harmful elements from your blood cells. Any type of disease is the result of blood impurification. Let's take the example of getting tired frequently. This is the outcome of excess levels of blood toxifying chemicals. These chemicals accumulate in your body due to pollution, food habit, lifestyle, and so on. Blood is capable of detoxifying naturally, but when the toxicity load is high, you need to take action and remove those harmful chemicals from the body. Following are the yoga steps to detoxify your blood.

Wide-Legged Forward Bend improves digestion and removes toxins:

This yoga places your head region in the direction of gravity. This Improves blood circulation throughout the body. This yoga starts with spreading your legs 3-4 feet apart in a standing position. Now, during inhaling pull your stomach as well as pull up your thigh muscles. Then, exhale and bend forward. Try to bend your back in a concave manner. The pressure created on the stomach during the pose improves bowel movements to remove toxins.

Revolved Triangle Pose, relieves lethargy and body ache:

This yoga is all about twisting muscles to enhance blood circulation. Keep your right leg forward and left one at the back while creating a 3-5 feet gap between the feet. Now, bend your torso region in the forward direction while inhaling. Then, bring your right arm on your back. You can also lift right hand up while moving the left arm towards right leg. Now, start exhaling and touch the yoga mat with the right palm. Stay on this pose for 60 seconds before reversing the position. This helps in better transportation of nutrients throughout the body. This yoga also helps in reducing the levels of cholesterol.

Downward Facing Dog, releases excess heat and promotes detoxification:

This pose stretches your limbs, back, and joints. This yoga starts by holding the bodyweight on the knees and hands. Now, spread your fingers as wide as possible. Keep your wrists under your shoulder region and knees under the hips region. Now, start inhaling. Your back region should be relaxed. Then lift your spine and knees while exhaling. This should look like a triangular structure.

Marichyasana or Sage Twist Pose removes toxins by improving digestion:

At first, you need to sit on the yoga mat keeping your legs in front of you, straight. Now, bend your left foot towards the chest region. Start rotating your torso region toward the left knee. Now you need to wrap your right hand around the left knee. After holding this position for a few breaths, swap sides. This yoga stimulates digestive juice secretion. Due to this squeezed condition, both the liver and kidney get stimulated. As soon as the twist is released, blood starts entering organs throughout the body.

Despite taking medicines, rely on these yoga steps to detoxify your blood.