Published By: Urbee Sarkar

How To Find Your Passion

Finding your passion could transform you and your life. Here’s how you do it.

Human beings are inherently passionate. However, finding that passion could be hard. It can be frustrating at times too especially with people breathing down your neck asking you to follow your passion. We mean, who doesn’t want to follow their passion? The only problem: you don’t know what it is. Not yet. Finding something you are passionate about takes time –time to explore, to look within and ultimately to figure yourself out. Nevertheless, there’s always a point to start. Working through the process of finding your passion takes time, but once you have found it you will be unstoppable. Here are a few tips on how to find out what you are really passionate about.

Find Out If There’s Already Something You Enjoy Doing

Quite often, as it happens, while you are on the hunt for finding your one true passion, it’s right there in front of you. It has been staring at you all this while and you have never noticed. Go back in time and find out if there was something that your really enjoyed and loved doing while you were still a child but you never took it up as an option for your job. It could be something as simple as reading books to collecting stamps. Whatever it is, if you already know what you love doing, you’re one step ahead of the game. Once you have figured that out, research about the possibilities on how you can turn that into an actual paid job.

Brainstorm For Ideas

Start with a clean slate. Get some fresh perspective. Sit down with a pain and paper and jot down all the things that inspire you. The list does not necessarily have to be long or even have to make sense as long as you are trying to explore and find yourself. It could be as random as it gets. If you hit a blank, look around you and spot things that interest you and you will find your inspiration.

Challenge Your Limits

It happens many times that even if you are interested in a particular idea, the thought of pursuing it scares you. Challenge yourself into trying new things. Doing this will help you explore multiple options and push your limits. Once you get out of your comfort zone, your passion will follow you.