Published By: Urbee Sarkar

How To Improve Math Skills

Don’t be scared of maths anymore!

What would it take to improve your interest and skills in mathematics? The answer is time and practice. Most students who find it hard to crack mathematical problems take it as a sign of having low intelligence. However, all it takes to be good in maths is dedicated practice and understanding the concepts. The right effort and attitude towards maths would help you improve your math skills regardless of whether or not you are good in it. To get started, you can always use your quantitative skills in trying to solve open ended problems of the real life by applying mathematical models. Here are a few ways that would help you improve your math skills.

Focus On Understanding The Concepts First

Before you dive in trying to solve every math problem in your workbook, take time to read through the theoretical part of the chapter at first. The logic is simple. If you do not understand the theory, you will not be able to apply it in the practical. Understanding a mathematical concept does not mean memorizing the rules by heart. Instead, it means you understand the underlying concept of what you are doing, why you are doing it and how you are doing it. Take as much time as you need to completely understand the concepts before you start working with them.

Change The Word Problems Up

Many people have trouble understanding mathematical word problems. This because every individual has different learning styles. Some are visual learners, some are aural learners and some are kinaesthetic learners. If you cannot understand the word math problems, try reading them out loud as many times as you want until you get the question completely. You can also try to visualise the problem by drawing or just simply closing your eyes and drawing a mind map. Changing up the math word problems according to your learning style would bring interest and improve your math skills.

Apply Math To Real Life

Nothing teaches you better than real life. Apply the math problems in your real life and you would learn it in no time. Associate real life examples with the math problems you are working on. Understanding how a mathematical concept is related and used in real life would bring motivation and increase interest thereby improving your math skill. Associating math problems with real life will simplify them.