Published By: Urbee Sarkar

How To Learn To Cook Like A Chef

Clean up your kitchen, get the tools and start cooking up a storm!

Is cooking your passion and even though you are a home cook, you would love to act like a professional? Well, look no further, for we have got you covered. Home cooking and cooking at a restaurant have a heaven and hell difference. Unlike cooking at a home, a chef at a restaurant has more mouths to feed and lot more responsibility. However, what make a chef’s job a tad bit easier is that they have fancy tools and other kitchen staff helping them out at all times. Nonetheless, learning to cook like a chef should be easy if you could follow a few tricks and steps. Here are a few tips on how you can learn to cook like a chef.

Get The Kitchen Tools

A chef has more and fancier kitchen tools at their disposal unlike what you have in your kitchen. Having the right tools to cook like a chef is the first step towards learning to cook like chef. Now, of course you wouldn’t need the high end fancy machines for tools. Just a few basic items would do. Get a chef’s knife that is sharp enough to cut through iron. It is the most important tool you will need for you will be using it in the kitchen all the time. Get few mixing bowls to make your prepping time easier. Other than these two, you would need cutting and chopping boards, measuring cups and measuring spoons. That’s all on the list!

Create Recipe Notebook

A chef does not keep anything for the end. The chef always knows all his moves in advance unless he has to improvise. Start keeping a notebook of recipes. This cooking notebook will help you prepare your food in advance, You will have an idea of what to expect and how to go about it without the fear of any unpleasant surprises. Keeping a cookbook is a good practice that will help you save time and plan your meals ahead of time.

Master The Techniques First

Before try out new recipes every day, master a few techniques first. For example practice chopping or deboning regularly to help you gain speed and perfection. As long as you get your techniques right, taste will follow. A chef’s genius lies in his techniques that you need to master as well.