Published By: Urbee Sarkar

How To Make Your Travel Sustainable

With people becoming more and more conscious about the environment it has become important to even make our trips sustainable.

From raising awareness about wildlife conservation to establishing inter-cultural understanding, travelling has a lot of positive impact on the world. However, there are negative sides of travelling too, especially on the environment. Travelling exerts strain on the cities while also using up fossil fuels in excess. Moreover, the financial profit of a region as a result of travelling hardly benefits the local communities. In this context, it becomes our duty as responsible citizens to opt for sustainable travelling while also not taking away the pleasure from it.

Use Eco-Friendly Transports

Most people find it difficult to travel to places using an eco-friendly true. While flying is the most preferred mode of transport while travelling, make sure you opt for eco-friendly airlines. Find out if the airline you want to go with uses sustainable bio-fuel for aviation. Try taking direct flights mostly as that helps in reducing the carbon footprint. You can also travel via trains which have a comparatively lower rate of carbon emissions than airplanes.

Reduce Plastic and Food Waste

This point cannot be stressed enough. Avoid using plastic products and littering them anywhere. Carry your own cloth bag if you want to shop around and recycle and reuse as much as you can. Same goes for food. Reduce food wastage. Also, make sure you buy food items that come in recyclable food containers. Also, avoid buying packaged water that come in plastic bottles meant for single use. Use filtration systems and reusable bottles instead.

Support the Local Economies

Make sure you engage in sustainable activities while travelling. Try not to reach out for multinational brands as fancy as they might sound. Instead support the local economy by exploring the community and travelling the way local people do. Eat local food buy locally manufactured goods and the likes and you’ll be sorted.

Stay At Eco-Friendly Accommodations

Staying at a sustainable hotel does not necessarily mean that you will miss out on luxuries. Make sure to check out the environmental policies and measures of the hotel you want stay at before booking your stay. Go for hotels that have a steady process of recycling waste and a good system of waste management. Look for hotels that use renewable source of energy to power.