Published By: Sanjukta

How to not be a toxic player in Dead by Daylight

Don’t be that guy.

Video games are meant to be enjoyed. While some players forget that, others don’t. So, in a horror game like Dead by Daylight, when you or another player constantly teabag the killer, it’s bad manners. It’s toxic. These toxic and ban mannerisms doesn’t elevate you to a cracked player, it’s plain TOXIC.

Here’s how not to do so you don’t be labelled as toxic.

Don’t teabag the killer

Teabagging is spam crouching in a repetitive motion and is considered highly toxic. If you want to celebrate successfully stunning a killer with a pallet or winning a chase, don’t teabag. Irritated killers can use this an excuse to teach you a lesson and tunnel you the whole game.

Don’t hit survivors on hook

Just don’t. Spam hitting a survivor on hook serves no purpose other than a celebratory gesture of winning the chase. A good survivor won’t get panicky and miss their skill check. At the end you are become the toxic killer who survivors won’t be kind to in post-game chat.

Don’t click flashlights constantly

Yes, we get it. You are a pro when it comes to getting flashlight saves right. But that doesn’t make up for the cat to constantly click at the killer. The noise is annoying to anyone around you. And if by a slim chance you miss a save after all the clicking, you will be laughed at.

Please don’t farm off hook

Farming on hook means unhooking survivors without Borrowed Time when the killer is nearby. Survivors do that to gain bloodpoints but it often results in the re-hooking of the survivor. It’s toxic and other survivors might do the same to you.

Don’t tunnel one single survivor

Tunnelling means going after one survivor until they are dead on hook. Tunnelling discredits your ability as good killer.

NO slugging

Don’t leave downed survivors to bleed out on the ground. If you , as a killer likes to slug, you are not only wasting your time but depriving other players of enjoying a game.

Maybe don’t face-camp at 5 gens

All the Bubba mains running Insidious in basement, we are looking at you. Face camping is understandable when the exit games are powered, and you need to secure at least one kill. But face camping from first hook at 5 gens only shows your strategies as a killer is not good.

Don’t call names in post-game chat

Sometimes players are rude in post-game chat and calls names. Post-game chats are hotbeds of negativity, especially if you didn’t win. If you can’t go by without being rude in chat, just dodge the chat altogether.