Published By: Ahvana Paul

How to overcome a burnout

Are you suffering from immense stress and a loss of interest due to prolonged work on a single thing? Are you feeling completely exhausted with the work that you are currently doing and not feeling inspired anymore? In that case, you are probably experiencing burnout. Here are some things that you can do to get over it!

Take a break  but not for too long – This is a must. Your brain is tired of working on it, it is too deep into that particular work that you are doing, and it is unable to continue. You need to detach! Taking a break is essential. Distract yourself and just tear yourself away from what you are working on and focus on other things. You will start to feel a little relaxed.  Once you are mentally ready to deal with your work, make it a point to come back to your work again, and you can start afresh! It is a guarantee that your work would become easier, and you can work on it systematically rather than in an overwhelmed state.

Engage in something else – During your break, find other interests that you can engage in. For example, go on a vacation, or if it is more of a short-term break, engage in a movie marathon, or spend a day reading a book that has been sitting on your shelf for a long time. You will feel better.

Plan out all your options- Once you feel that you are indeed ready to do your work again, try and mark out a proper plan of what exactly you need to do. This will make your work more systematic and efficient. This will make it easier to handle your situation. Perhaps this burnout also will cause you to realize that you want to take another path. You can start chalking out your plans. Take this planning stage slowly, and carefully, with a certain amount of consideration. After all, it is your life at stake. Most importantly, listen to yourself and do not depend on others to tell you what to do!

Include time for something creative that revitalizes you- Sometimes, especially in today’s world, we get engrossed in work that we lose sight of what we like to do. While making this plan, it is a good idea to keep time and prioritize one creative thing that you would like to do, which revitalizes you. It can be related to music, dance, or art.

Know that it is temporary- Remember that you have to come out of this burn-out and it is just a phase and not permanent!

ow to overcome a burnout