Published By: Sohamhalder227

How to recognize the physical symptoms of anxiety

Anxiety is your body’s response to any stressful situation, which is associated with observable symptoms.

The stressful condition alerts your body via symptoms like fast breathing, sweating, shakiness, and so on. The anxious behavior affects your body in a short-term or long-term manner.The occasional experience of anxiety is a natural phenomenon in our life. But, if the symptoms become intense gradually impacting your personal and professional life, this is truly a serious concern.The most commonly observed disorders are specific phobia, societal anxiety, and separation-related. Based on the type, the symptoms can be prominent in any age group. Without further delay, let’s get into the details of recognizing the symptoms of anxiety-related issues.

Tension and nervousness for a prolonged period:

Tension is one of the prominent stress-induced fight-or-flight responses. Unnecessary nervousness, tension headache, or migraine should not be avoided. And if these conditions persist for long, you should consult with a psychiatrist soon.

Fast breathing:

Anxiety is commonly associated with enhanced heart rate and rapid breathing. However, it should be noted that not all increased heart rate is associated with anxiety. Cortisol and adrenaline are the two types of hormones that enhance the heart rate. When you anticipate danger, the worry about escaping from the situation obviously comes to your mind. As a result, your lungs prepare your body by moving more oxygen throughout the organs. Fast breathing is also known as hyperventilation, the most common symptom of a panic attack or an anxiety-related disorder. They are also associated with pain lower left region of the chest.

Sweating and trembling:

Sweating is another visible sign of anxiety. Sometimes you might sweat excessively or tremble terribly while facing an uncomfortable situation. Along with rapid breathing, the internal response by hormonal activities leads to this situation.

Trouble sleeping:

From a school children to the head of any company, everyone has to face this problem of sleeping. Incomplete sleeping, bad dreams are all associated with anxiety. However, the sleeping problem is also caused by other health issues like diabetes. You should consult a counselor if you are becoming insomniac gradually.

Gastrointestinal problem:

Digestive health has a strong connection with your mental health. During excessive stress or anxiety-related problems, the digestive enzymes do not get proper stimulation to function properly. Some become overactive and many remain inactive. Also, the neurotransmitters act improperly. As a result of this, the foods don’t get digested easily and you face improper bowel movements or vomiting, and so on.

If you are experiencing any of the above-mentioned signs for a long time, the first step you can take is self-assessment. You should avoid drinking and smoking as they can never relieve you from this situation. Always measure the sleeping time, and if you are not getting sufficient sleep then try to take a break and sleep with relaxing music. Otherwise, you can start meditation to calm your nerves. Above all, if you are still uncomfortable, you should immediately visit a consultant. Do not worry, anxiety is recoverable.