Published By: Ishani Karmakar

How To Use Castor Oil For Thicker Eyebrows – 5 Effective Ways That Work!

Only a very few of us are blessed with thick, lush and gorgeous eyebrows. But this certainly doesn’t mean that people with thin eyebrows need to give up hope – castor oil is at your rescue!

Using castor oil as a hair growth remedy is insanely popular. Various beauty experts recommend castor oil for getting thicker brows and longer lashes. Extracted from the seeds of the Ricinus communis plant, castor oil has multiple beauty uses. Here’s how to use castor oil for thicker eyebrows:

Castor Oil with Petroleum Jelly

What You Need

1 tbsp castor oil

½ tsp petroleum jelly

1 Q-tip

1 bowl

What You Need To Do

Add the ingredients to a bowl and mix to form a smooth paste.

Dip the Q-tip into this mixture.

Apply it to your eyebrows.

Let it sit on your eyebrows overnight.

Wash off the next day, or wipe off with a cotton ball soaked with rose water.Castor Oil with Aloe Vera

What You Need

1 tbsp castor oil

1 tbsp aloe vera gel

1 Q-tip

1 bowl

What You Need To Do

Add the ingredients to a bowl and mix thoroughly.

Using a Q-tip, apply the mixture to your eyebrows.

Leave it on overnight.

Wash it off the next morning.

Castor Oil with Almond Oil

What You Need

1 tbsp castor oil

1 tbsp almond oil

1 spoolie brush

1 glass jar

What You Need To Do

Pour the ingredients into the glass jar, and shake to mix well.

Now, dip the spoolie brush into the jar, and soak it.

Apply the blend to your eyebrows.

Let it sit on your eyebrows overnight.

Wash it off the next morning.

Castor Oil with Glycerine

What You Need

1 tbsp castor oil

½ teaspoon glycerine

1 spoolie brush

1 glass jar

What You Need To Do

Add the ingredients to the glass jar. Mix well.

Dip the spoolie brush into the mixture.

Apply it to your eyebrows.

Let it sit overnight.

Wash it off the next morning.

Castor Oil with Olive Oil

What You Need

1 tbsp castor oil

1 tbsp olive oil

1 spoolie brush

1 glass jar

What You Need To Do

Pour the ingredients into the jar. Mix well.

Dip the spoolie brush into the jar and coat it with the oil mixture.

Apply it to your eyebrows.

Let it sit overnight.

Wash it off the next day.