Published By: Sayan Paul

How to use raisins for your skin?

Raisins contain an abundance of skin-soothing properties.

As experts suggest, it can be used topically to prevent a range of skin issues.

So, in this article, we'll discuss the recipe for some DIY raisin face packs.

Made from dried grapes, raisins are our comfort snack at any time of the day. It can be either consumed raw or added to many different types of desserts. Also, research has indicated that regular consumption of raisins is associated with numerous health benefits, including better skin health.

However, you can also use raisins topically on your skin as well. Being rich in vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids, they can enhance your skin's texture in no time.

Use raisins + aloe vera + lemon juice to soothe skin damage

As studies have found, raisins significantly help in reducing hyperpigmentation on the skin. Also, it makes the skin soft and aids in preventing your risk of skin injuries. Aloe vera has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which promote the healing of the skin, and also improve its texture. It lightens fine lines, dark spots, and stretch marks as well. Lemon juice, on the other hand, removes dead skin cells and makes your skin glow to some extent.

Mix 1 teaspoon of mashed raisins with 1 teaspoon of aloe vera gel and 1/2 teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply the mixture to your face, leave it for 15 minutes, and then wash off with cold water.

Use raisins + multani mitti + rose water to treat dark spots

The combination of raisins, multani mitti, and rose water is highly effective at fading your skin's dark spots, and also makes your skin radiant. Raisins contain antioxidants that fight off oxidative damage, reducing your risk of skin damage. Multani mitti has bleaching properties that help remove all impurities from the skin, and treat your fine lines and dark spots. Moreover, rose water helps maintain your skin's pH balance.

First, mix 1 teaspoon of mashed raisins with 1 teaspoon of multani mitti and 2 teaspoons of rose water. Apply the mixture to your face, leave it for 15 minutes, and then wash off with lukewarm water.

Use raisins + gram flour + milk to moisturize your skin

Raisins contain vitamins A and E that help promote cell regeneration on your skin and make it look supple. Also, it improves the hydration of your skin, keeping it smooth & flawless. Gram flour cleanses the skin and also helps maintain your skin's natural pH balance. It soaks up the excess oil from the skin as well. Milk has B-vitamins, alpha hydroxy acids, antioxidants, and more - all of which are beneficial for your skin. It aids in keeping your skin moisturized all the time.

For the remedy, all you need to do is mix 1 teaspoon of mashed raisins with 1 teaspoon of gram flour and 1.5 teaspoons of raw milk. Apply the mixture to your face, leave it for 20 minutes, and then wash it off with lukewarm water.