Hwacha: Korea’s own ingenious ancient rocket launcher.

If you lived in ancient Korea and you spotted Hwacha in your neighbourhood, it’s time for you to run!

Did you know that the 15th-century Korean military had rocket launchers that could launch hundred or more arrows at one time?

Even though the military equipment and weaponry have greatly advanced, we would always go back to our history and be awed by the ingenious weaponry that possessed. One such legendary weaponry was found in ancient Korea called Hwacha or Hwach’a. It was a weapon of mass destruction that could launch about a hundred or more rocket-powered arrows and the organ fire would fire several irons-headed arrows from gun barrels. So, when this weapon was used? When was it invented? let us find out.

Historically, the Hwacha was used in the 15th century but was invented much earlier

Many historians believe that Hwacha was invented about 2000 years back but was popularly used in Korean warfare in the 15th century. We are not quite sure when it was developed but experts believe that it happened around the same time when gunpowder first made its appearance in Korea in the 14th century. It was used as a defensive weapon at first in the reign of King Munjong to protect its borders from Japanese invasion. But it changed the way battles were fought forever. It was probably one of the first rocket launchers in the ancient history of the world. It consisted of a cart with two wheels with a board that had several holes. These holes would be filled with singijeon, which were machine arrows of 1.1-metre length that were propelled by a tube made of paper full of gunpowder that was attached to the shaft of every arrow. Interestingly, when singijeon was launched it could travel over a mile!

One of Korea’s greatest victories using Hwacha

Japan always dominated and exerted control over the Korean peninsula, but Japan was defeated in one of the greatest battles of all time, the battle of Haengju. In this historic battle, only 3000 defended fortresses against an army of 30,000 Japanese soldiers. But thanks to their bravery in the face of the adversary and Hwacha, they were able to defeat them. The Korean soldiers used about forty Hwachas and defended their fortress bravely.

Though, with the advancement of technology, the use of Hwachas became obsolete. But still, history would remember the bravery of the Korean army and ingenious weapon that helped them defend against an army ten size its size.