If you loved Sword Art Online, here are other anime that you should watch

Here we have curated a list of similar anime that will make you want to start binge watching them. Read on to find out more…

When it comes to anime, content creators have made several different genres for anime lovers to watch. Sword Art Online was one of the first in the MMPOG categories and people absolutely loved it. MMPOG, Massively MultiPlayer Online Games, are games that have garnered a lot of attention. So when it came to anime as Sword Art Online, it definitely excited anime watchers around the world. From action to emotions and modern technology, SAO showed it all.  It in fact, set the trend for several other anime to adapt the MMORPG as a category. So, if you loved SAO, read on to know about some similar genre anime that will be worth a watch for you!


Starting off the list with a massively popular anime, Overlord is about a character that gets stuck in a game. Sounds interesting, right? The show also deals with different characters with unique personalities which make it extremely exciting to watch.


Often compared to SAO, this one could be a great watch if you want a similar plot to Sword Art Online. This anime also revolves around the protagonist Ryota Sakamoto getting stuck in a game, finding love and trying to escape the game alive.

Accel World

A very interesting anime, Accel World deals with a kid who is bullied in school and thus immerses himself in the virtual world. He is given an opportunity to merge his real world with the virtual one and gain points by completing tasks. It is based on a novel series by Reki Kawahara.

Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online

This list is incomplete without adding the spin off Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online. This is a must watch for all SAO lovers as it is considered to be even better. There are several similarities since it is a spin off but you will love every minute of it!

No Game No Life

Revolving around two siblings, this anime shows them end up in a game world where they have to beat the leader and save the human race!

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