Published By: Sougata Dutta

Influence Of Women In Western Culture

Rising of the new Sun and breaking the stereotypes of gender role

Western culture or sometimes lifestyle or European civilization is a term that broadly refers to a conjunction establishment of social norms, ethical values, political system, art and engineering, common traditional customs and many more that has originated mainly from Europe. Women are always an important part to grow, flourishing and maintaining the sustainability of a particular culture. Starting from the medieval era till modern civilization, women constituted one of the brightest parts of cultural society.

Women in music, sports and politics

The view and perspective about a woman in the late 19th century in the west can be summed up by a quote from the book `The Female Frontier’ by Glenda Riley “women's lives focused upon domestic production, childbirth and childcare, family relationships and other ' female' tasks...". However, at the start of the 20th century, the picture began to change. From music to politics, women flourished in Almost every aspect. Mattie babel and Kate Barnard were the perfect examples of this rapidly changing phenomenon. Mattie Babel was a famous cornetist, who used to play with her husband pianist A.O Bable. Kate Barnard was the first woman to be elected as an Oklahoma State official in 1907.

The Victorian age in western culture ushered in an era of immense sexism. Despite this in the early 1900s, informal athletic clubs had begun to form. In the 1900 Olympics, 22 women competed alongside men in events such as sailing, croquet and equestrian.

Leading from the front

New feminist initiatives emerged from the 1850s in England and some other parts of Scandinavia. The main agenda was to reform fields like education, matrimony and women's empowerment.

The first feminist association in France were created at the initiative of André Léo. Louise Otto-peters and Auguste Schmidt created the general German women's association in 1865. Many similar organizations were also formed in Bulgaria, Ukraine, Moldova and many other places.

These feminist movements, primarily focusing on women's rights, asked two questions mainly to the establishment and male-dominated society at large.

Proper reform of women's education system, especially for young girls and reforms related to marriage. Other demands were also there like qualified occupations, gender equality, sexual morals etc.

In the modern world, women are continuously rising to extremely effective positions and making significant contributions as they always did, thus influencing the western culture and society at large.