Published By: Sayan Paul

Is Buttermilk good for your health?

Buttermilk (known as chaas in Hindi) is an extremely popular beverage in India.

As per ancient Ayurvedic texts, it offers an amazing range of health benefits.

However, it also has numerous side effects, when consumed in excess.

Buttermilk is a sought-after drink all around the world. In the ancient era, it was derived from leftover milk after making butter. Now, it can also be made by diluting and mixing water in curd. In India, it is usually sold as a summer beverage onalmost all streets scattered across the country.

It tastes insanely delicious, feels refreshing, and also helps prevent dehydration in your body during the hot season. Moreover, it's an excellent source of dietary fiber, calcium, protein, vitamin A, vitamin D, and more.

Buttermilk offers both health benefits and side effects in the long run. Below, we have discussed the entire matter in brief.

Health Benefits of Buttermilk

It relieves acidity: As research has found, buttermilk helps neutralize the acids in the stomach and keeps the acids from moving up into your esophagus. Hence, it's beneficial for people who often suffer from acidity or heartburn.

It supports digestion: Buttermilk is the one-stop solution for IBS or irritable bowel syndrome. It contains healthy bacteria and lactic acid which help improve the overall functions of your digestive system. Also, it significantly reduces your risk of bloating, gas, stomach cramps, etc.

It promotes heart health: Rich in bioactive proteins, buttermilk helps dilate the blood vessels and further significantly regulates your blood pressure levels. Also, it reduces LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels in your bloodstream. Both, in turn, improve your heart's overall functions. It may also lower your risk of cardiovascular issues as well.

Besides, it also improves oral hygiene, boosts bone strength, aids in the immune system, and more.

Side Effects of Buttermilk

Just like all other things, buttermilk (when consumed in excess amounts) can wreak havoc on your health.

It's high in sodium: Buttermilk has a very high sodium content. Hence, it can cause a number of issues in the long run, including hypertension, kidney issues, and also heart disorders.

It may trigger allergies: Due to the presence of lactose, buttermilk cause certain allergic reactions in some people. The list includes vomiting, diarrhea, stomach issues, and more. So, if you have any existing allergies, don't drink buttermilk regularly.

It's not good for children: Buttermilk is made from sourced cream which is usually kept for many days during the formation process. Hence, right after ingestion, it may develop certain bacteria in children, which can further lead to cold, flu, and numerous other infections.

Besides, it's advised not to drink buttermilk at night, as this can also increase the risk of many health issues.