Published By: Sayan Paul

Know about the amazing health benefits of canistel

Canistel is a delicious fruit packed with an excellent amount of nutrients.

It's cultivated in several parts of the world, simply because of its amazing benefits for human health.

Read ahead!

Canistel belongs to the genus Pouteria, and is native to Southern Mexico and Central America. It has numerous other names like Cucumu, Guaicume, Huicumo, Kanis, Kaniste, Kanixte, Khema, Mexican Sapodilla, Sapota-amarelo, Gema-de-ovo, and more. It comes in various shapes (mostly round) and has soft flesh with some large black or dark brown seeds.

The fruit boasts a deliciously sweet flavor and can be consumed raw or added to desserts. Also, coming to the nutritional value, it contains huge amounts of calcium, iron, fiber, phosphorus, vitamin A, vitamin C, B-complex vitamins, amino acids, and more.

Hence, it's evident that people who eat at least one canistel daily are at a lower risk of many health issues.

May support digestion

Canistel is a rich source of soluble fiber. So, it stimulates the secretion of gastric juices and enzymes in the body and also boosts the movement of food through your intestine. Moreover, it adds enough bulk to your bowel movement, reducing your risk of numerous digestive issues.

May boost eyesight

Canistel contains a good amount of beta-carotene, which contributes to its yellowish color. As research has found, beta-carotene helps protect the eyes from many types of damage and also improves their overall functioning. What's more, it reduces your risk of age-related macular degeneration to a significant extent.

May aid in immunity

The high amounts of vitamin C in the canistel boost the production of white blood cells in the body, which aids in the functioning of your immune system. It also protects your immune system from damage, keeping it active all the time. Canistel contains many other antioxidants which fight free radicals, and significantly reduce your risk of cough and flu.

May regulate blood sugar levels

Being a powerhouse of fiber, canistel helps regulate your blood sugar levels. It restricts any spike in blood sugar levels in the body, especially after a heavy meal. Also, it has a good amount of niacin which, owing to its high content of 'niacinamide', is beneficial in preventing your risk of diabetes. Hence, if you are suffering from type-1 or type-2 diabetes, do incorporate canistel into your regular diet.

May promote cardiovascular functions

Canistel contains potassium which dilates blood vessels and further helps regulate your blood pressure levels. It keeps your arteries clean, and also helps restrict strain on your heart. Moreover, its high fiber content increases the HDL cholesterol level and also helps decrease the levels of LDL cholesterol in your bloodstream. All of these contribute to the better functions of your heart.

Along with these, it may also improve bone strength, prevent anemia, and reduce the risk of certain types of cancer.